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Victorian Children.

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1 Victorian Children

2 Victorian Work Victorian children would have to do geography just like we do. The teachers were very boastful about being really good at fighting different country’s.

3 Victorian Schools Teachers in Victorian times were very harsh. If they thought the children were being naughty, the teachers would give them the slipper or the cane.

4 Victorian Schools They finished school at a very early age. The children would be scared to go to school in case they got the slipper or the cane.

5 Victorian Homes When the children finished work or school, they would get back to a typical Victorian home. In the rooms there were simple designs like a table and some chairs.

6 Victorian Clothes This is how the Victorian girls would dress. The girls (as you can see) wore pinafores and old scraggy clothes. The boys would wear rolled up trousers and a dirty old shirt.

7 Activities In the afternoons children would be split into two groups, boys and girls. The girls would do sewing and the boys would do technical drawing.

8 The Cane The cane was used to beat the children if they thought they were naughty. When we had Victorian day three in our class got the cane. There would have been more people with the cane but our teacher was being kind. He didn’t use the slipper though.

9 Victorian Some Up Basically, Victorian times were very mean and nasty. The children would be scared of school because of the teachers. The kids would be known to be seen and not heard. They should practice there handwriting and if it wasn’t up to scratch then they would have to do it again or they would get the cane.Children who were left handed would have to use their right hand as it was thought to be wrong to write with your left hand.

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