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The Dr Cunningham Certificate in Meditation Teaching & Holistic Human Development Practitioner Training Course ZEN MEDITATION © Dr Jennifer Cunningham,

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Presentation on theme: "The Dr Cunningham Certificate in Meditation Teaching & Holistic Human Development Practitioner Training Course ZEN MEDITATION © Dr Jennifer Cunningham,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Dr Cunningham Certificate in Meditation Teaching & Holistic Human Development Practitioner Training Course ZEN MEDITATION © Dr Jennifer Cunningham, 2015 Module 1: Foundation Studies in Meditation

2  Zen Meditation is an extremely useful and effective meditation style.  Though it evolves from ancient times it is very relevant to our modern lifestyles.  Zen is an important meditation style for us to master as meditators and meditation teachers. Module 1: Foundation Studies in Meditation

3  Not all meditation styles suit all people.  Some of us are more or less visual than others.  Some of us respond best to audio stimulation.  Some of us prefer silence.  Some of us have very creative imaginations, while others are more logical thinkers. Module 1: Foundation Studies in Meditation

4  We are all very different and we respond better to certain styles of meditation and inevitably not enjoy some other styles.  There is one thing we all have in common…. Module 1: Foundation Studies in Meditation

5  We are all here… in the NOW …and we all strive to live our lives more in the moment. The true art of Zen is to experience what is, in its fullness… right NOW. Module 1: Foundation Studies in Meditation

6  If you already practice Zen Meditation, you may be about to gain some further insight into its benefits.  If you have not practiced Zen Meditation before, you are about to be introduced to a wonderful, versatile and truly life changing practice. Module 1: Foundation Studies in Meditation

7  Zen Meditation is simply the art of taking the time to focus on the moment.  During the practice of Zen Meditation, you do not think about the past or the future. You are in the moment.  You may have experienced Zen Meditation while participating in certain, all consuming activities, such as painting, sport, dancing or gardening.  It is when you think nothing outside of the moment you are experiencing. Module 1: Foundation Studies in Meditation

8  Zen Meditation can be practiced as a formal meditation. Most often this is done by focusing on the breath.  To bring the mind into the moment and focus only on the now, it is often helpful to start by listening.  Listen to and focus on the sounds you can hear… then extend and listen more intently to try and hear the faintest sounds in the distance.  When any thoughts outside of the moment enter your head, simply release them and refocus on the sounds you can hear. Module 1: Foundation Studies in Meditation

9  Zen Meditation engages your senses to bring you into the moment.  This can be done through listening.  Or…through seeing  Or…through feeling/touching  Or…through smelling  Or…even through tasting  When we focus on and experience through our senses, we are outside of our thoughts and into the moment. Module 1: Foundation Studies in Meditation

10  Zen Meditation can be practiced informally with the same results and equal benefits of a formal practice.  This is one of the places Zen Meditation lends itself so well to our busy modern lifestyles and allows every person, no matter how busy they are, to experience the benefits of Zen.  No matter what you are doing, it can become a Zen Meditation. Module 1: Foundation Studies in Meditation

11  The shower is a great place to practice Zen Meditation.  Even the busiest of people take showers!  To practice Zen Meditation in the shower, simply focus on the experience of the shower.  For example: the water being warm, the sound of the water running away, the smell of the soap, the feeling of the steam as you breath it into your lungs. Module 1: Foundation Studies in Meditation

12  Zen is a meditation style that lends itself well to our busy modern lives while still providing all the benefits we expect to receive from a regular meditation practice.  Zen meditation can be practiced at any time when we can take that moment and become completely immersed in it… focus entirely on that moment. Be in the NOW Module 1: Foundation Studies in Meditation

13 Benefits  While Zen Meditation provides the usual benefits such as lowering blood pressure, slowing the heart beat, calming the mind, and relaxing muscles, it also helps to develop a very important habit in the brain. Module 1: Foundation Studies in Meditation

14  The most important benefit is that it teaches the brain HOW to be in the NOW!  Many people complain they have trouble keeping their minds focused in the present moment.  They find their minds seem to uncontrollably slip from thinking about the past to worrying about the future. Module 1: Foundation Studies in Meditation

15  With the regular practice of Zen Meditation the brain develops the habit of being focused in the present moment and the practitioner develops the ability to live effortlessly in the NOW all of the time.  This automatically relieves a lot of stress as energy is no longer put into pondering the long gone past or being concerned with what may or may not happen in the future. Module 1: Foundation Studies in Meditation

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