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Archiving and Data Management Training and Information Center GESIS Cologne Sergiu Gherghina June 12, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Archiving and Data Management Training and Information Center GESIS Cologne Sergiu Gherghina June 12, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Archiving and Data Management Training and Information Center GESIS Cologne Sergiu Gherghina June 12, 2012

2 General Aims Promotes awareness throughout the research lifecycle of good research data management practice Emphasizes the importance of long-term data curation Provides social science researchers and archivists the skills and tools that give enduring life to data: visible, sharable, re-usable data GESIS Archive Workflow2

3 Our Objectives To ensure excellence in the creation, management, and preservation of research data. To promote the adoption of standards in research data management and archiving To support data availability, reuse, and the repurposing of archived data. To support the production of quality data with wide and multipurpose reuse value GESIS Archive Workflow3

4 Our Audiences Principal investigators who plan data management and are responsible for oversight Researchers who implement data management Individual researchers to maximize the utility of data Data archivists responsible for digital curation, enhancement, and long-term preservation GESIS Archive Workflow4

5 Our Activities Training workshops and consultancy on data management and archiving topics: -data management planning -best practice on data sharing, consent for reuse, copyright confidentiality and anonymization etc. -long-term archiving and preservation, data dissemination and security, licensing data GESIS Archive Workflow5

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7 More... At management-training-and-information- centre/training-center-home/ management-training-and-information- centre/training-center-home/ Twitter @GesisIDI GESIS Archive Workflow7

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