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 Enhance oral presentation  Captivate audience attention with: Images Graphs Animation.

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3  Enhance oral presentation  Captivate audience attention with: Images Graphs Animation

4  Title slide contains presentation title and your name  Add slides with Ctrl-M or Home, New Slide  Keep a consistent, neutral background  Ensure that font colour contrasts with background

5  The 7/7 Rule – maximum 7 bullets per page, 7 words per bullet as a rough guide  7/7 is outdated – too much text!  Bullets should list key points only  No more than 2-3 graphic images per page (exception collage page)

6  Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation program developed by Microsoft. It is part of the Microsoft Office system, and runs on Microsoft Windows and the Mac OS computer operating systems. The Windows version can run on the Linux operating system, under the Wine compatibility layer. PowerPoint is widely used by business people, educators, students, and trainers and is among the most prevalent forms of persuasive technology. Beginning with Microsoft Office 2003, Microsoft revised the branding to emphasize PowerPoint's place within the office suite, calling it Microsoft Office PowerPoint instead of just Microsoft PowerPoint. The current versions are Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 for Windows and 2008 for Mac.

7  Select Design  Choose from preformatted design themes providing style  Contain specific fonts and font sizes

8  Select Insert  Choose from: Picture Clip Art Shapes Chart

9  The way objects appear and disappear  Select Animations, Custom Animation  Highlight any object and select Add Effect  Choose ways to enter, emphasise and exit  Limit the number of different effects – distracts audience  Limit sounds to avoid annoyance (like laser!)

10  Great to show results of research  Beware: like text – data can be overdone!  Select Insert, Chart  Replace the data with your own

11  Select Insert, Movie or Insert, Sound  PowerPoint prefers avi and wmv files

12  Highlight text or object and Insert, Hyperlink or Ctrl-K  Hyperlink to: A webpage A program file Another slide  Use Action Buttons

13  The change from slide to slide  Select Animations  Advance slide on mouse click or automatically after x seconds  Whole presentation can be automated (Select Slide Show, Set Up Slide Show)

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