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Use Links to Popularize Your Web Site Prepared by Milton Zlotnick SCORE 476 Staten Island, NY.

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Presentation on theme: "Use Links to Popularize Your Web Site Prepared by Milton Zlotnick SCORE 476 Staten Island, NY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Use Links to Popularize Your Web Site Prepared by Milton Zlotnick SCORE 476 Staten Island, NY

2 What is Link Popularity Link popularity is the total number of web sites that link to your site It is easy to get links to your web site from other web sites. This results in getting more visitors to your web site and also increase your search engine ranking.

3 What You Should Do Run a search for your company name to see where you are presently linked. Learn what keywords most relate to your business and website. Find sites with high search engine rankings that you could ask to link to. Some will require a fee in addition to an exchange link. This could be a good investment.

4 Why exchange links? One very important factor determining where you will appear in search engine search results is how many other sites you have linking to you. This site popularity is measured by a sites PageRank. PageRank is a vote for your page by all other pages on the Internet. The more votes your page gets, the better your PageRank. The better your PageRank, the higher you'll appear in search engine results and the more free traffic your site will receive.

5 The above web site provides a linking service. Speak to your webmaster about this service or a similar service. provides detailed information how the linking process is implemented. SCORE does not necessarily vouch for this company and urges you to discuss this or any similar service with your webmaster.

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