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Using Netscape to Design Basic, Yet Beautiful Web Pages! With Designs by Dan EIL 301, spring 2000.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Netscape to Design Basic, Yet Beautiful Web Pages! With Designs by Dan EIL 301, spring 2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Netscape to Design Basic, Yet Beautiful Web Pages! With Designs by Dan EIL 301, spring 2000

2 Finding Composer (1) Netscape Composer can be found via, Netscape Navigator. Click on the “File” menu. Click “New” then “Blank Page.”

3 Finding Composer (2) OR, you can click on the pen button at the bottom, right-hand side of the page.

4 Page Properties (1) Click on the “Format” menu, then choose “Page Colors and Properties.” This will bring you to this window. Here you can add the title, author, description, keywords, and classification of your Web page.

5 Page Properties (2) Here you have the options for the various font colors used in Web pages, including the default font and various options for links: normal, the color of the link when clicked on (Active), and the color after the link is clicked (Followed). The background color can also be set here, but is overridden by a background image.

6 Page Properties (3) There are some pre-fab color schemes that you can choose from for those of you with severe color blindness. On the bottom is where you will insert an image to use as a background.

7 Composer Buttons (1) Most of these buttons are the same as you’d find on most word processors: New, Open, Cut, Copy, Paste, Print, and Spelling. I won’t cover these. I’ll also avoid Publish (since you won’t be using that until you have a clue as to what you are doing) and Find (being self-explanatory). Now let’s see the buttons that I will tell you about.

8 Composer Buttons (2) The Preview button will let you view your work in Navigator. The Horizontal Line button adds a line across the page. (pretty simple, huh?) * Now for the buttons that are a little more involved: Link, Target, Image, and Table.

9 Composer Buttons (Links) The link button will lead you to the window below. Before you click the Link button, you can highlight the word(s) or picture that you would like to act as a link and it will show up in the “Link source” section. Otherwise you may enter the text in the box provided. Choose a file or location to link to. *Notice the Target section on the bottom.

10 Composer Buttons (Target) The Target button is also called an “Anchor” in some other programs. This is how you can link to a specific point in your Web page. The window that appears prompts you for a name for your target. After you do this you can link to it by pressing the link button and choosing the target at the bottom of the window.

11 Composer Buttons (Image) Do you want some pictures in your Web page? Yes? Click the Image button. This is the monstrous window that pops up. To simply insert an image, click “Choose File…” and find the picture you want to use. The buttons below that “Text alignment and wrapping around images” control how text will appear around your image.

12 Composer Buttons (Image 2) The two options on the bottom of the window are for fine control. These are done automatically by the program, but you can play with them if you’d like.

13 Composer Buttons (Table) The table button is one of the most useful buttons to the novice Web designer. Tables are useful for creating the illusion of order in a Web page. They are a fun tool to play with in HTML. Take a look at the Table Window.

14 Composer Buttons (Table 2) First you are asked to choose the number of rows and columns. You can change this later if you want. I suggest to choose more than you think you might need.

15 Composer Buttons (Table 3) Next, you choose the alignment of the table, NOT of the text in the table. You then can choose things like captions, border line width, the spacing between the table cells & within the cells, and the table width & height. The background option is worth a look at as well.

16 Your Turn Now I’m going to shut up and let you create a masterpiece. I put a folder on the desktop with example graphics (images). There’s a line, some pictures, bullets, animations, etc… Have Fun!

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