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Concept Visualization for Ontologies of Artificial Intelligence Yu Suo TJHSST Computer Systems Lab George Mason University.

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Presentation on theme: "Concept Visualization for Ontologies of Artificial Intelligence Yu Suo TJHSST Computer Systems Lab George Mason University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Concept Visualization for Ontologies of Artificial Intelligence Yu Suo TJHSST Computer Systems Lab George Mason University

2 Background The Disciple Learning Agent An artificial intelligence that can be adapted for many purposes military operations Teaching traveling

3 Decision aid Subject-matter experts can train and use when making decisions under stressful, complex, and constrained conditions Tool was developed and used under the Defense Advanced Research Rapid Knowledge Formation programs

4 Purpose research, create, and program a concept visualization tool easily browse small to large scale semantic networks and ontologies Used mainly by those who are not proficient at Computer Science

5 Aims to distribute information about the artificial intelligence in an easy and usable way.

6 Procedure and Methodology written in JAVA and called JDisciple Eclipse is used to provide a basic organized structure Simple to advanced cases Small to large cases Programmed in iterations to keep track of progress

7 Algorithms Algorithm to arrange/select elements –Greedy algorithm serves as a base/control –Paired with one or more heuristic functions –Dynamic Programming or more advanced methods may be used in the future

8 Algorithms Graph layout algorithm to place elements –Well structured –Find space, make space –Clear and readable –Process all types of graphs –Minimize cross-links –Accessible to end-users

9 JGraph for Visualizing Networks JGraph is an open source graph visualization library written in Java. JGraph is a fully Swing compatible component. The current DJGraph is derived from an older version of JGraph. Simplifies drawing process for networks, trees, and maps. Fairly versatile: Vertices and edges may be shapes, images, other Swing components, or animations.




13 Useful? Current graph layout algorithms often fail at very general cases Graphs are used to show – should be made clear and readable! Shows the complexity involved in a full fledged AI

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