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Photo credit: Nic McPheeDevon Mordell, Program for Faculty Development, McMaster University MULTIMedia PBL Cases Devon Mordell, BFA, MA Program for Faculty.

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Presentation on theme: "Photo credit: Nic McPheeDevon Mordell, Program for Faculty Development, McMaster University MULTIMedia PBL Cases Devon Mordell, BFA, MA Program for Faculty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photo credit: Nic McPheeDevon Mordell, Program for Faculty Development, McMaster University MULTIMedia PBL Cases Devon Mordell, BFA, MA Program for Faculty Development

2 Background photo credit: Nic McPhee The case for paper Why use a multimedia PBL case, then? Portable Inexpensive Familiar Unobtrusive Reliable

3 Background photo credit: Nic McPhee Real-life problems are rarely bundled in the neat, tidy package suggested by a text-based case – rather, they are: Why use a multimedia PBL case? diffuse, networked, multi-modal, asynchronous

4 Background photo credit: Nic McPhee Planning: Why would I use a multimedia PBL case? what pedagogical objectives will be met? what practical objectives will be met? What resources do I have access to? What team members will I need to create the case? What is my timeline for creating the multimedia? Why would I use a multimedia PBL case? First things first… (question)

5 Background photo credit: Nic McPhee Mapping the case (design)

6 Background photo credit: Nic McPhee Be cognizant of: Interaction with written text with MM Overloading one sense Narrative disjuncture Be judicious in your use of media Cognitive overload (Actual cognitive overload may be less explode-y)

7 Background photo credit: Nic McPhee Have a group of PBL tutors and students (or family, friends, foes, etc.) test the case for: technical errors gaps in logic interest factor pedagogical robustness Get feedback and go back to the drawing board… Piloting the case

8 Background photo credit: Nic McPhee The ol’ RIVET development cycle

9 Background photo credit: Nic McPhee Form 4 groups Each group will have a paltry 30 min to work with the scenario (sorry!) Reconnect with the group to share PBL Cases…on paper

10 Background photo credit: Nic McPhee Multimedia PBL case model Container: Website – can use blog, wiki, learning management system (LMS), content management system (CMS), etc. Audio Video e-Documents Images Games Simulations Animation Links to other sites

11 Background photo credit: Nic McPhee A sample multimedia case (or two) McMaster University – FASD  media rich case (see “Demos”) Linköping University – CAD  simpler case

12 Background photo credit: Nic McPhee Longer Even longer Longer still Really, it takes that long? Longest Development time scale Web design and video Animations Games 3-D media Photos Long Audio and graphics Your multimedia is customized to your needs You have media that you can reuse and share You don’t have to worry about copyright infringement You don’t have to ask permission to use the media again in a different context Yes, it takes time and resources but… D.I.Y. multimedia

13 Background photo credit: Nic McPhee A good idea to start small and scale up: Hypertext – non-linear navigation! Images Audio Simple but effective media START END

14 Background photo credit: Nic McPhee Laying the groundwork Develop a plan for a multimedia PBL case What media might you use? How will students get access to materials? What resources do you have available People? Equipment? $? How will the case be integrated into tutorial? Why would you use a multimedia PBL case?

15 Background photo credit: Nic McPhee Exchanging ideas How might you use: Photographs? Graphics? Audio? Video? Animations? Games? Devon Mordell, RIVET (Research, Instruction and InnoVation in Educational Technologies), Program for Faculty Development MDCL 3510 905.525.9140 x 21681

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