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A Joint Project of the American and European Accounting Associations Global Accounting Digital Archive Network a basis for Knowledge in the New Millennium.

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Presentation on theme: "A Joint Project of the American and European Accounting Associations Global Accounting Digital Archive Network a basis for Knowledge in the New Millennium."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Joint Project of the American and European Accounting Associations Global Accounting Digital Archive Network a basis for Knowledge in the New Millennium

2 A Joint Project of the American and European Accounting Associations A Challenge The basic unit of geo-political measure for accounting study is expanding across time and space boundaries via technology which is increasingly digitized to facilitate immediate access

3 A Joint Project of the American and European Accounting Associations And a Response Global Accounting Digital Archive Network To facilitate access to and study of global literature and its development

4 A Joint Project of the American and European Accounting Associations Actions Facilitate access to materials which support the study of multiple periods, cultures and perspectives Global Accounting Digital Archive Network

5 A Joint Project of the American and European Accounting Associations Outcome Cooperation leading to Collaboration to understand Changes in knowledge

6 A Joint Project of the American and European Accounting Associations Technologies Digitization and Scanning o instant access o instant analysis o instant exchange

7 A Joint Project of the American and European Accounting Associations Research Network and Structure Scholars in all disciplines and cultures are increasingly linked by virtual communication technologies Effective global networking is forming The American and European Accounting Associations are cooperating to increase access to the knowledge bases of more nations and cultures

8 A Joint Project of the American and European Accounting Associations Relevance The Archive Project will contribute to the development of accounting thought, in global terms, by easing access to materials previously limited or less well identified.

9 A Joint Project of the American and European Accounting Associations Task Force Activities 2006-2007 Identify Archival source links Populate pilot site Expand awareness Sponsor presentations

10 A Joint Project of the American and European Accounting Associations TASK FORCE MEMBERS 2006-2007 Wolfgang Ballwieser, University of Muenchen, Germany A. Rick Elam, University of Mississippi, US Oktay Guvemli, Mirmara University, Turkey Bryan Howieson, University of Adelaide, Australia Daniel Jensen, Coordinator, The Ohio State University, US Janet Morrill, University of Manitoba, Canada Paolo Quattrone, Oxford University, UK Gary John Previts, Convener, Case Western Reserve University, US Paulo Quattrone, Oxford University, UK Edson Riccio, Sao Paolo University, Brazil Vyachaslav Sokolov, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Russia Miklos Vasarhelyi, Coordinator, Rutgers University, US Hidetoshi Yamaji, Kobe University, Japan Webmaster, Jovari St. Victor, Rutgers University, US

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