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1 ISMT E-120 Desktop Applications for Managers Office for the Web.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ISMT E-120 Desktop Applications for Managers Office for the Web."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ISMT E-120 Desktop Applications for Managers Office for the Web

2 2 HTML & Server Basics Browsing Static Publishing Web Query with Excel Dynamic publishing Integration Through Internet Explorer

3 3 Office for the Web HTML/Server Intro and Basics Browsing Static Publishing Web Query with Excel Dynamic publishing Integration Through Internet Explorer

4 4 HTML/Server Intro and Basics Your FAS account/server space Basic HTML components Secure FTP and telnet Build and publish a page Build and publish with an editor

5 5 Office for the Web Browsing Static Publishing HTML/Server Intro and Basics Web Query with Excel Dynamic publishing Integration Through Internet Explorer

6 6 Browsing Word - Good Excel – Pretty good PowerPoint – No Access – No

7 7 Office for the Web Web-Enabled Features Browsing Static Publishing HTML/Server Intro and Basics Web Query with Excel Dynamic publishing Integration Through Internet Explorer

8 8 Static Publishing Word: Save as Web Page Excel: Save as Web Page PowerPoint: Save as Web Page Access: Export as a Web Page

9 9 Static Publishing: Word Office Component Most Suited to Publishing Web Pages

10 10 Word: What Works Well Text Basics -, indents, basic tables, justification Character Format Basics –Bold, Italic –Color –Underline Hyperlinks Lists –Bulleted –Numbered

11 11 Word: What Works Quite Well Pictures –Convert to GIF files –Unless already JPEG Charts, Equations, OLE objects –Convert to GIF files Fonts – Fixed vs. Proportional – Special fonts are often lost Point Size – relative size only

12 12 Word: What May Work with Some Variability Fancy Character Formats –Shadow, emboss –Drop character Drawings Animations Fancy Page Layout –Headers, Footers –Footnotes, end notes Fancy Text –Revision marks, comments –Columns –Text borders

13 13 Static Publishing: Continued Excel –Worksheets –Charts PowerPoint –HTML –PowerPoint Animation Access

14 14 Excel: What Works Well Text, Numbers, Numeric Formats Table Structures Basic Formatting

15 15 Excel: What Works Quite Well Table Formatting –Borders –Alignment –Background color Hyperlinks –Can insert – may not updated correctly

16 16 Excel: What May Work With Some Variability Some Cell Formatting –Patterns –Wrapping Formulas

17 17 Static Publishing: PowerPoint HTML PowerPoint Animation

18 18 Static Publishing: Access Export database objects –Tables –Reports –Forms

19 19 Office for the Web HTML/Server Intro and Basics Browsing Static Publishing Web Query with Excel Dynamic publishing Integration Through Internet Explorer

20 20 Web Query with Excel Dynamic Web Query with Excel

21 21 Office for the Web Web-Enabled Features Browsing Static Publishing HTML/Server Intro and Basics Web Query with Excel Dynamic publishing Integration Through Internet Explorer

22 22 Dynamic Publishing Example CGI-enabled example – current grade query

23 23 Office for the Web Web-Enabled Features Browsing Static Publishing HTML/Server Intro and Basics Web Query with Excel Dynamic publishing Integration Through Internet Explorer

24 24 Integration Through Internet Explorer Internet Explorer as a Container

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