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International Culture Project Mr. Cummings-Morrow.

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Presentation on theme: "International Culture Project Mr. Cummings-Morrow."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Culture Project Mr. Cummings-Morrow

2 Visual Aid Visual Aid in the project should be in PowerPoint form The PowerPoint should consist of pictures and words explaining the Country

3 Visual Aid: PowerPoint Bullet Points A power point should contain no more than 3-6 bulletins/points You typically shouldn’t use sound or effect it depends on the presentation Short Quick To the POINT

4 Visual Aid: PowerPoint Slide Arrangement Don’t overuse animations Try to avoid Cramming Info. Stick with a common theme throughout PowerPoint

5 Visual Aid: PowerPoint Attract Your Audience Spend quality time on content rather than on design. Select a Professional Style Font, Simple and able to be easily read Colors are important, select contrasting colors (Ex: white font on a black background) Picture what your audience will see or hear

6 Visual Aid: PowerPoint Avoid Reading Presentation Presentations shall be composed for the ear Short Sentences containing Action verbs Simple Grammar Become comfortable with material

7 Visual Aid: PowerPoint Slide Design Use Bold or Italics for emphasis Avoid Busy Backgrounds NO ALL CAPS! Only on title page is it acceptable Leave Space between lines, easier for reader

8 Visual Aid: PowerPoint Slide Design (Continued) Keep typeface on slides the same Leave Space between lines, easier for reader Consistency w/ bulletin style

9 Visual Aid: PowerPoint Conclusion of PowerPoint Create Concluding Slide 3-5 summary Points Restate Main points Focus on Final Impressions

10 Visual Aid: PowerPoint In A Nut Shell: Consistency throughout PowerPoint Easy to read Font More content; Less animation Contrasting Colors Get Your Point Across

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