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SharePoint User’s Group Indiana University User's Group Committee Leaders Larry Campbell Andy Hill Brian Hughes Tanzil Malek Cory.

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Presentation on theme: "SharePoint User’s Group Indiana University User's Group Committee Leaders Larry Campbell Andy Hill Brian Hughes Tanzil Malek Cory."— Presentation transcript:

1 SharePoint User’s Group Indiana University User's Group Committee Leaders Larry Campbell Andy Hill Brian Hughes Tanzil Malek Cory P. Retherford May 18 th, 2010

2 2010 IUSPUG: IU SharePoint Users’ Group Group Leader Introductions Cory P. Retherford (User's Group Founder and Community Leader) Student Enrollment Services - Manager of Technology Services Brian Hughes (Group Leader) UITS Messaging - Lead Software Engineer Tanzil Malek (Group Leader) School of Education - Network Applications Specialist Andy Hill (Webmaster) Student Enrollment Services - Senior Analyst/Programmer Larry Campbell (Business Process Specialist) School of Education – Associate Director of Information Systems

3 Agenda – More to Come!!! IUSPUG Memberships Discussion Forum Office Release to Manufacturing (RTM)! OnBase Demo – Lisa Leedy Pitch In! SharePoint 2010 and Future Presentations User Involvement – Prize Giveaway! 2010 IUSPUG: IU SharePoint Users’ Group

4 IUSPUG is 2 Years Old Users Group’s inception May 19, 2008 –Happy Birthday to IUSPUG!!! SurveyHappy Birthday to IUSPUG!!! 2010 IUSPUG: IU SharePoint Users’ Group

5 Discussion and Thanks Discussion and Thanks Pitch InPitch In –Larry Campbell –Carol Meadows –Anesu Chaora –Cory Retherford SharePoint WikiSharePoint Wiki SharePoint 2010SharePoint 2010 –When can we expect it 2010 IUSPUG: IU SharePoint Users’ Group

6 SharePoint User’s Group Indiana University May 18 th, 2010

7 OnBase Document Imagin g

8 OnBase at IU  1999 Physical Plant began using OnBase as document management system Storage and retrieval of documents  2002 IUPUI Undergraduate Admissions and International Affairs wanted to go paperless Decided to use OnBase as their document management system Matrix Imaging (now part of Hyland Software the developers of OnBase) consulted with both Admissions departments and helped implement a Workflow process for their documents  2002-2003 Accounts Payable decided to use OnBase to store AP documents Using Docpop functionality to pop up documents stored in OnBase through EPIC and FIS  Present 40 departments currently use OnBase Used by departments at all regional campuses 5 departments use the Workflow module for document processing 3 departments use the docpop functionality

9 OnBase at IU DepartmentUsage IUB – AdmissionsStorage / Retrieval IUB – EngineeringStorage / Retrieval IUB – EPIC TaxStorage / Retrieval IUB – FacilitiesStorage / Retrieval IUB – FMS - A/PStorage / Retrieval IUB – Physical PlantStorage / Retrieval IUB – Real EstateStorage / Retrieval IUB – Risk ManagementStorage / Retrieval IUB – Travel Management ServicesStorage / Retrieval IUB – Office of the TreasurerStorage / Retrieval IUB – University CounselStorage / Retrieval IUE – AccountingStorage / Retrieval IUK – AccountingStorage / Retrieval IUNW – AccountingStorage / Retrieval IUNW – AdmissionsStorage / Retrieval IUNW – Financial AidStorage / Retrieval IUNW – Purchasing (for Travel)Scan Travel Documents IUPUC – Financial Aid (with IUPUI FA)Storage / Retrieval IUPUI – AccountingStorage / Retrieval IUPUI – ADFI Administrative ServicesStorage / Retrieval DepartmentUsage IUPUI – Administration (Budget & FO)Storage / Retrieval IUPUI – Financial AidStorage / Retrieval / Workflow IUPUI – HRStorage / Retrieval IUPUI – Office of International AffairsStorage / Retrieval / Workflow IUPUI – Office of Student ScholarshipsStorage / Retrieval IUPUI – PayrollStorage / Retrieval IUPUI – Registrar's OfficeStorage / Retrieval IUPUI – Undergraduate AdmissionsStorage / Retrieval / Workflow IUPUI – University CollegeStorage / Retrieval / Workflow IUPUI – Univ. College Dean's OfficeStorage / Retrieval IUPUI – University CounselStorage / Retrieval IUSB – AccountingStorage / Retrieval IUSE – AccountingStorage / Retrieval IUSE – Financial AidStorage / Retrieval IUSM – Academic AffairsStorage / Retrieval IUSM – Graduate AffairsStorage / Retrieval / Workflow IUSM – Medical Student AffairsStorage / Retrieval UA – Student Enrollment ServicesStorage / Retrieval UA – OVPITStorage / Retrieval UA – UHRSStorage / Retrieval Departments

10 What is OnBase  Document management system  Store documents securely and electronically in a central location  User friendly interface that allows easy retrieval of documents  Documents can be viewed, printed, emailed, and have notes added to them  Workflow module for departments that want to use OnBase to process documents

11 Document input  Scan documents Scan paper documents into a batch for indexing Stored as.TIF images  Sweep documents Sweep electronic documents from a folder into a batch for indexing Stored in file format swept in as: Word, Excel, Power Point, PDF, etc.  Import Documents Can only import one document at a time Stored in file format imported as: Word, Excel, Power Point, PDF, etc.  Virtual Print Driver  Can only virtual print one document at a time Converts file into.TIF image when virtual printed into OnBase  Document Import Processor Batch process that can be automated for adding documents to system An index file must also be imported and tied to the imported files

12  Users belong to User Groups  User Groups are assigned Document Type Groups  Document Types are created for Document Type Groups  Only users that belong to a specified User Group can access the Document Type Group that holds the Document Type  Can assign more than one Document Type Group to the User Group  Can remove individual document types from User Group access Secure Document Storage User Group Document Type Group Document Type Document Type Group Document Type

13 Easy Document Retrieval  Document Types have keyword fields assigned to them  When documents are indexed they are assigned a Document Type and specific values are added to the keyword fields  Documents are easy to retrieve based on values that are added to the keyword fields  Many ways to search for documents, by single or multiple Document Types and single or multiple keyword field values  Adding multiple keyword field search criteria narrows the search results  Easy document viewing with just a double click of the mouse

14 Interface Web client retrieval window Choose one or more document types Enter one or more keyword values Hit list with all documents that meet the search criteria. Double click on a document from the hit list to view

15 User Friendly Document viewer window Icon toolbar Thumbnail view of pages in document

16 Workflow Documents enter a life cycle Routed to specific queue based on criteria specified in the queue configuration List of documents that exist in the queue Document viewer window Tasks bar with ad hoc buttons for processing documents

17 Additional Resources  Visit our web site  Interactive Demo of the Web client and Thick client End User Training (Web Client) End User Training (Thick Client)  Contact Lisa Leedy   Phone: (812) 856-5392

18 Future Topics of Discussion Workflow, Insights, and Composites –BCS; Visio Services, Excel Services SharePoint 2010 –Microsoft PerformancePoint Services SharePoint 2009 Conference Videos –Creating Dashboards as easy as One, Two, Three - An Introduction to PerformancePoint ServicesCreating Dashboards as easy as One, Two, Three - An Introduction to PerformancePoint Services –Building SharePoint Mashups With SharePoint Designer, Bing Maps and REST ServicesBuilding SharePoint Mashups With SharePoint Designer, Bing Maps and REST Services –Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010 –Microsoft SharePoint Designer Dashboard 2010 IUSPUG: IU SharePoint Users’ Group

19 Future Topics of Discussion Governance –IU SharePoint Governance Plan Progress Academic Solutions Built on SharePoint –Ticket System –Asset Inventory –InfoPath –Web Parts creation Training and Resources –Tutorials and Classroom Lesson Plans How do we build what you have!? 2010 IUSPUG: IU SharePoint Users’ Group

20 Thank you for your attendance. The Indiana University SharePoint Users Group goals are to provide you with the tools and resources to engage, connect, and collaborate with the Indiana University SharePoint community. We hope to facilitate communication and discussion about SharePoint and Microsoft products. Monthly Meetings – In person, Video conferencing, Breeze, and phone

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