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Forskningsnettet (FSKnet) optical network upgrade Status for the infrastructure upgrade process April 2008. Nordunet Conference 2008 in Espoo 11th April.

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Presentation on theme: "Forskningsnettet (FSKnet) optical network upgrade Status for the infrastructure upgrade process April 2008. Nordunet Conference 2008 in Espoo 11th April."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forskningsnettet (FSKnet) optical network upgrade Status for the infrastructure upgrade process April 2008. Nordunet Conference 2008 in Espoo 11th April 2008 Deputy Director Martin Bech, UNIC

2 Forskningsnet konferencen 2007


4 September 2005 letter to the Ministry: We have seen the future – and it needs more bandwidth!

5 Forskningsnet konferencen 2007 January 2007: The actual application

6 Forskningsnet konferencen 2007 Great help from Tony Breach, NORDUnet: Compiling the budget

7 Forskningsnet konferencen 2007 April 2007: We got the money – but thats just where the work starts…

8 Forskningsnet konferencen 2007 What do we need in Denmark? Our own optical infrastructure 10Gbps production network λ-connections for research projects (nationally and internationally) λ-connections for separate parts of one institution Hopefully user-controlled λ-network provisioning (in a few years)

9 Forskningsnet konferencen 2007

10 Wavelengths for the production service SDU-1 SDU-2 AU-1 AU-2 AAU-1 AAU-2 DTU UNI-C Ørestad SDU AU AAU Ørestad DTU

11 Forskningsnet konferencen 2007 Is there any research in Denmark requiring λ-networking at all?

12 Forskningsnet konferencen 2007


14 The User Community University reform in 2006/07 reducing 25 institutions to 10 But this left all Universities with buildings in all cities Other research institutions than Universities Potentially 120 addresses More than 100.000 prople have Forskningsnettet as their daily Internet supplier

15 Forskningsnet konferencen 2007 University of Copenhagen field laboratories

16 Forskningsnet konferencen 2007


18 University of Aarhus: 23 locations

19 Forskningsnet konferencen 2007 First step: Call for tender for WAN connections Framework contracts with multiple vendors for: Dark Fibre for the National Ring infrastructure Dark Fibre for Access Connections Transmission capacity (100Mbps, 1Gbps, 10Gbps, 40Gbps, …) The actual procurement is done in a mini- competition among suppliers qualified in the framework contracts

20 Forskningsnet konferencen 2007 Udbud om WAN-forbindelser Frist 31. august 2007 3 landsdækkende leverandører på sort fiber 3 energiselskaber 5 landsdækkende leverandører af kapacitet (100Mbps) Godt stykke under 1/m for 15-årig IRU

21 Forskningsnet konferencen 2007 31st August 2007: Tenders for framework contracts for WAN connections

22 Forskningsnet konferencen 2007 Contracts with the WAN suppliers Fibre for the National Ring Fibre for access connections Transmission capacity (100Mbps etc) Global ConnectXXX TeliaXXX NianetXXX TDC BroadcomX SEAS-NVE (Sjælland) X FON (Fyn)X Østkraft (Bornholm) X

23 Forskningsnet konferencen 2007 2nd step: Mini-competition for the National Ring Among the 3 suppliers on the framework contracts (GC, Telia, Nianet) Evaluation criteria favoring the shortest possible distance Contract entered with Global Connect A/S in December 2007

24 Forskningsnet konferencen 2007

25 The acquired fibre ring 1154km length 8 OADM sites 11 ILA sites Distance between any part of two fibre sections/spans: >5m Attenuation <0.2dB/km @1550nm PMD < 0.2 ps/km (currently a problem) Delivery not yet completed! Nevertheless, the fibre ring measurements are a preprequsite for the equipment tender

26 Forskningsnet konferencen 2007 3rd step: Pre-qualification for DWDM equipment suppliers Announced 8th February 2008 40 x 10Gbps platform EoI due 11th March 2008

27 Forskningsnet konferencen 2007 A lot of interest…

28 Forskningsnet konferencen 2007 Suppliers selected for the closed call for tender for DWDM equipment Nortel Alcatel-Lucent Ciena NokiaSiemens Conscia (Cisco) Selected on the basis of references, technical abilities, R&D efforts and financial capacity - but not on actual prices

29 Forskningsnet konferencen 2007 4th step: RFQ and Tender 1200 km without regeneration Expandable and upgradable platform Option for a Metro solution Great help from local people as well as Janne Kanner from Funet, Afrodite Sevasti, GRNET and the TERENA community in general Issued 28th March 2008 Deadline 8th May 2008

30 Forskningsnet konferencen 2007 5th step: Negotiation process In May and June 2008 Reducing the number of suppliers from 5 to 2 and ultimately to 1 Contract signing envisaged on 7th July 2008

31 Forskningsnet konferencen 2007 6th step: Delivery and commissioning Delivery starts with some documentation in July and ends with Acceptance test is to be passed on 15th October 2008 Commissioning test to be passed in November 2008.

32 Forskningsnet konferencen 2007 7th step: Launch Event At the Forskningsnet conference in Kolding on the 11th November 2008 You are all invited!

33 Forskningsnet konferencen 2007 8th step: Operation and enjoyment Bringing Lambdas into Denmark Participating in user-controlled Lambda provisioning initiatives Operations in cooperation with NORDUnet/NUNOC (hopefully)

34 Forskningsnet konferencen 2007 Lessons learned (so far) Twisting EU tendering rules to allow for a negotiation process becomes increasingly difficult You have to do a fair bit of marketing towards the vendors PMD values below 0.2 ps/km are not trivial in the real world.

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