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Hassan Jamshidian MD Imam Khomeini Hospital

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Presentation on theme: "Hassan Jamshidian MD Imam Khomeini Hospital"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hassan Jamshidian MD Imam Khomeini Hospital
In the name of God Hassan Jamshidian MD Imam Khomeini Hospital

2 Varicocele Is found in: 15% of the general population
35% of men with primary infertility 70-81% of men with the secondary infertility

3 Definition Abn. Tortuosity and dilatation of the testicular veins within the spermatic cord



6 varicocele The most correctable cause of male infertility
Approximately 90% left sided 10% bilateral,some reports more

7 Why is predominant in Lt. side?
1-Difference in the venous drainage 2-Absence of the venous valves is more common on the Lt side 3- The left renal vein may be compressed between the superior mesenteric artery and the aorta

8 Varicocele & Infertility
1-Temperature 2-Reflux of the renal and adrenal metabolites from the renal vein & hypoxia Decreased motility in 90% & count in 20% Stress pattern

9 Varicocele-Grading Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade sub clinical


11 varicocele Majoity of men with varicocele are fertile
Normal gonadotropin and testosterone level Some elevated FSH Abn. GnRH are often present in adolescent and subfertile men with varicocele

12 Whom should be repaired?
1-in infertility with any grade 2-Adolescents with grade 2 or 3 with ipsilateral testicular growth retardation The presence of a varicocele alone is not an indication for varicocele repair,because the majority of men with varicocele are fertile

13 Repair of varicocele will halt any further damage to testicular function
In large percentage of men ,results in improved spermatogenesis(70%), as well as enhanced Leydig cell function Conception rate 40-50%

14 Techniques of Varicocelectomy
Technique artery p Hydc Failure Retropr No % % Inguinal No % % Laparoscopic Yes % % Microcopical Yes %

15 Hydrocele

16 Hydrocele-Definition
The accumulation of fluid within the tunica vaginalis


18 Hydrocele 1-Communicating 2-Simple

19 Communicating hydrocele
-Persistence of the processus vaginalis Smaller in the morning Frequently bluish hue in thin scrotal skin Easy transillumination Same anatomic defect in hernia Congenital in origin All should be explored through an inguinal incision



22 Simple hydrocele Caused by: 1-After varicocelectomy 2-Radiation
3-Testicular tumors 4-Orchio-epididymites 5-Trauma 6-Idiopathic(The most common)

23 Ultasonography is the best method for diagnosis of the hydrocele

24 DD of Hydrocele Cord cyst Spermatocele Tumor of the testis Hernia

25 Hydrocelectomy 1-Excisional Technique 2-Plication Technique
3- Window operation 4-Dartos Pouch Technique 5-Scleroplasty(Tetracycline derivatives)

26 Comlications of hydrocelectomy
Hematoma (the most common) Injury to the epididymis or the vas deferens

27 Undescended Testis

28 UDT classification Cryptorchid Ectopic


30 Cryptorchid Intra-abdominal(retroperitoneal) Intracanalicular
Extracanalicular(suprapubic or infrapubic)the most common

31 Ectopic testis Superficial inguinal (the most common)
Misdiracted outside the normal path of descent Superficial inguinal (the most common) Transverse scrotal Femoral Perineal Prepenile

32 UDT incidence 3% of full term at birth
Unilateral is more common than bilateral 30% in premature infants Prevalent among small for age, low birth weight, twin neonates 70-77% descend spontaneously by 3 months of age By age 1 year ,incidence is 1% ,and remains constant throughout adulthood

33 In order for normal spermatogenesis to occur ,it is necessary for the normal testes to descend into the scrotum, a specialized, low temp. environment that maintains a temp. 2 to 3 F lower than core body temp.

34 Theories of Descent and Maldescent
Endocrine factors Gubernaculum Intra-abdominal pressure

35 Consequences of UDT 1-Infertility 2-Neoplasia 3-Hernia
4-Testicular torsion

36 UDT-neoplasia Incidence of test. Tumor in general population is 1 in 100,000,but in UDT is 1 in 2,550(40 times more) Orchiopexy does not reduce the cancer rate ,but can help in early diagnosis The most common type in UDT is Seminoma The prevalence of carcinoma in situ is 1.7% in UDT

37 Diagnosis-UDT Laparoscopy CT MRI Ultrasonography
Testicular angiography or venography

38 management-UDT Orchiopexy before or at 1 year of age
Hormonal therapy(HCG, GnRH)

39 UDT-surgical treatment

40 Torsion of the spermatic cord and testis


42 Torsion Intravaginal Extravaginal Gold standard time 6 hours

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