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Community Engagement Tools Community Engagement Tools ‘Do the right projects for your community’ Understand how residents connect to green/ environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Engagement Tools Community Engagement Tools ‘Do the right projects for your community’ Understand how residents connect to green/ environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Engagement Tools Community Engagement Tools ‘Do the right projects for your community’ Understand how residents connect to green/ environment Identify entry points for green infrastructure project support (local assets, community issues, green leaders, potential partners) Develop green infrastructure projects as part of a broader plan for community sustainability (linked community system) Communicate green infrastructure and your vision in ways people will relate to

2 Listening to, Telling, & Sharing Stories is Essential to… Building green leadership Creating new green community narratives rooted in local, shared values

3 Community Engagement Tools Green Practices Visual Collages Foster Green Partnerships Workshop Mapping Green Assets Workshop Instructions & Instruments Available at:

4 Green Practices Visual Collages 6 sets of collages Individual or group exercises “What do you do?” “What have you seen others do?” “What do you want to do but find difficult?” Guiding Questions: facts → stories Captions: spread green knowledge Demo:

5 Foster Green Partnerships Workshop 2-hour workshop with diverse community leaders (green and beyond) Goal: Brainstorm ideas for collaborative green projects that address environmental and social/economic issues

6 ComponentGoal What Does Green Look Like? Photo Activity Discuss and expand notions of “green” in relation to your community Green Partnership Case Study Videos Learn about innovative projects linking well-being of people & nature Small Group Discussions Brainstorm green issues to collaborate on Workshop Components Demo:

7 Mapping Green Assets Workshop 2-hour workshop with residents and leaders (green and beyond) Goal: Identify and map green and potential green assets to build on, as well as concerns for green projects to address

8 What are Green Assets? Community strengths: springboards for engagement Tangible: leaders, organizations, networks, natural resources, etc. Intangible: cultural values and practices What makes an asset green? It is related to conserving, caring for, monitoring, advocating for, or educating others about issues related to nature and environment (water, land, air, waste, toxics, energy)

9 Workshop Components ComponentGoal Discussion: What are Green Assets? Establish a common definition in relation to your community Activity: Community Walk or Sharing Stories Identify green or potential green assets Asset Mapping Plot assets on a map; create a list of intangible assets.

10 ‘Homework’ for June 22 Workshop Do some of these activities with residents and leaders in your community, ideally: –Visual Collages or Foster Green Partnerships Workshop –Mapping Green Assets Workshop After the Mapping Green Assets Workshop, add additional assets identified through other activities to your asset map and list. Also make 2 additional lists, of: 1) community concerns you might be able to address through green projects, and 2) key residents and leaders you might partner with on green projects. Bring your map and 3 lists with you on June 22—or send them ahead of time to Erika Hasle at Need help? Contact Jennifer Hirsch at

11 Together, we will start to create the community layer of the Southland GIV Map—resulting in a regional green infrastructure vision that connects natural resources to social, environmental, political, economic assets and concerns

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