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2006/06/29 S. Poedts Centre for Plasma Astrophsyics, Leuven (B)

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Presentation on theme: "2006/06/29 S. Poedts Centre for Plasma Astrophsyics, Leuven (B)"— Presentation transcript:

1 SPACE.WEATHER@Belgium 2006/06/29 S. Poedts Centre for Plasma Astrophsyics, Leuven (B)

2 2006/06/29 Multi-disciplinary Research on Solar Astrophysics and Space Weather, KULeuven project (GOA2004/01, 2004- 2008) Solar Drivers of Space Weather, Prodex 8 project with ROB, BISA, VKI (2005-2007) SWAP preparation to exploitation, Prodex 8 project with ROB (2005-2006) on the `Sun Watcher using Active Pixel system detector and image processing' solar imager in the EUV (PROBA 2) Space Weather: the role of coronal mass ejections, FWO project (2005-2006) on MHD + modeling of SW and CMEs Projects@CPA

3 2006/06/29 Status: 3D!

4 The Solar-Terrestrial Center of Excellence* 2006/06/29 The creation of a European space weather center in Brussels D. Berghmans (Royal Observatory of Belgium) * Working Title

5 Concept An integration of the existing Belgian research groups in one overarching structure: the STCE Stabilization and consolidation of the existing know-how scattered over different institutes Long term funding

6 Core partners BISA (SPENVIS, SWENET, etc) RMI (VIRGO, Dourbes, ionosonde, etc) ROB (Sunspot WDC, Regional Warning Center, GPS EUREF, etc) Current joint projects: PICARD (CMS), SIDC, PROBA2, UV forecasting

7 Solar constant team Belgian universities Steering committee: Draft Management structure Executive committee: Non-Belgian institutes Annual Work Plan ROB BISA RMI Data storage distribution Real Time Fore- cast-monitoring Public Outreach Tech Support Space missions Solar atmosphere team Solar wind team Ionosphere team … Working Teams Actions 1,2,3,4,5,6 External funding Teams focusing on fundamental research Teams focusing on scientific services Resources (expertise, people, Euros) Work package per team resources per team Actual list is TBD, just examples

8 Some highlights 11 new (extra) senior scientists 3x12 months visiting fellows (sabbaticals) per year 2 EPO specialists Consolidation of space weather services Consolidation of space projects personnel (~30 people) Participation of external groups (also non-Belgian) is foreseen

9 Goals To become the European central node for space weather activities To build up a critical mass for large projects (EU funding) or strategically important activities (e.g. ESA Solar Orbiter) To provide equivalent services as NOAA/SEC To conduct space weather relevant research

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