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Maximizing the Impact of Service-Learning Shelley H. Billig RMC Research Corporation Teri Dary WI Dept of Public Instruction 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Maximizing the Impact of Service-Learning Shelley H. Billig RMC Research Corporation Teri Dary WI Dept of Public Instruction 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maximizing the Impact of Service-Learning Shelley H. Billig RMC Research Corporation Teri Dary WI Dept of Public Instruction 2008

2 Agenda  Why Standards?  The K-12 Standards and Indicators for High Quality Practice  How to IPARDC - activities woven into the presentation of standards  Q and A

3 Common Impacts of High Quality Service-Learning on Students/Youth  Increase in academic engagement including affective, behavioral, and cognitive;  Increase in valuing school;  Increase in academic achievement;  Increase in social-emotional outcomes such as resilience, managing conflict, respect for diversity and character development (caring, bonding, social responsibility);  Increase in civic outcomes including knowledge, skills, and dispositions.

4 But outcomes are provisional…  Research showed repeatedly that without high quality, there was limited student benefit.

5 What is Quality? Research studies within service-learning identified key variables by testing Essential Elements and other hypotheses; Variables were compared to those in the greater body of research on what works in education; Expert practitioners tuned the variables into statements of standards and indicators; Results were compared back to the literature to ensure they were supported, measurable, and actionable.

6 Why Standards?  Important part of improving practice  Critical for field building  Common language in schools  Other reasons?

7 Service-Learning Components  Investigating a Community Issue Through Research and Community Needs Assessments  Planning the Ways Students Will Address the Issue  Action – Performing the Service Activity  Reflection – Thinking About Impact on Others and Self, What Worked and What Did Not, Relationship of Oneself to the World  Demonstration – Showing Impact on Others and Self  Celebration of Impact

8 New Standards for High Quality Service-Learning Practice  Duration and intensity;  Link to curriculum;  Mutually beneficial partnerships;  Meaningful service;  Youth voice;  Diversity;  Reflection;  Progress monitoring.

9 In this session…  We will cover a few of the standards and indicators, then stop for some activities so you can apply what you have learned.

10 Duration and Intensity Standard:  Service-learning has sufficient duration and intensity to address community needs and meet specified outcomes.

11 Duration and Intensity Indicators  Service-learning experiences include the processes of investigation of community needs, preparation for service, action, reflection, demonstration of learning and impacts, and celebration.  Service-learning is conducted during concentrated blocks of time across a period of several weeks or months.  Service-learning provides enough time to address identified community needs and achieve learning outcomes.

12 Investigation Ideas  Community mapping  School walk  Community walk  Community survey  Newspaper activity  Million dollar brainstorm

13 Planning and Preparation  Be strategic: Traffic jam activity  Planning template

14 Link to Curriculum Standard:  Service-learning is intentionally used as an instructional strategy to meet learning goals and/or content standards.

15 Link to Curriculum Indicators  Service-learning has clearly articulated learning goals.  Service-learning is aligned with the academic and/or programmatic curriculum.  Service-learning helps participants learn how to transfer knowledge and skills from one setting to another.  Service-learning that takes place in schools is formally recognized in school board policies and student records.

16 Lots of Linking Guides and Examples Available  E.g., National Service-Learning Clearinghouse Planning Guides that include link to standards or curriculum SLICE

17 Partnership Standard:  Service-learning partnerships are collaborative, mutually beneficial, and address community needs.

18 Partnership Indicators  Service-learning involves a variety of partners, including youth, educators, families, community members, community-based organizations, and/or businesses.  Service-learning partnerships are characterized by frequent and regular communication to keep all partners well-informed about activities and progress.  Service-learning partners collaborate to establish a shared vision and set common goals to address community needs.

19 Partnership Indicators (continued)  Service-learning partners collaboratively develop and implement action plans to meet specified goals.  Service-learning partners share knowledge and understanding of school and community assets and needs, and view each other as valued resources.

20 Partnership Scenarios  What could be done better?

21 Meaningful Service Standard:  Service-learning actively engages participants in meaningful and personally relevant service activities.

22 Meaningful Service Indicators  Service-learning experiences are appropriate to participant ages and developmental abilities.  Service-learning addresses issues that are personally relevant to the participants.  Service-learning provides participants with interesting and engaging service activities.  Service-learning encourages participants to understand their service experiences in the context of the underlying societal issues being addressed.  Service-learning leads to attainable and visible outcomes that are valued by those being served.

23 Youth Voice Standard:  Service-learning provides youth with a strong voice in planning, implementing, and evaluating service- learning experiences with guidance from adults.

24 Youth Voice Indicators  Service-learning engages youth in generating ideas during the planning, implementation, and evaluation processes.  Service-learning involves youth in the decision-making process throughout the service-learning experiences.  Service-learning involves youth and adults in creating an environment that supports trust and open expression of ideas.  Service-learning promotes acquisition of knowledge and skills to enhance youth leadership and decision-making.  Service-learning involves youth in evaluating the quality and effectiveness of the service-learning experience.

25 Diversity Standard:  Service-learning promotes understanding of diversity and mutual respect among all participants.

26 Diversity Indicators  Service-learning helps participants identify and analyze different points of view to gain understanding of multiple perspectives.  Service-learning helps participants develop interpersonal skills in conflict resolution and group decision-making.  Service-learning helps participants actively seek to understand and value the diverse backgrounds and perspectives of those offering and receiving service.  Service-learning encourages participants to recognize and overcome stereotypes.

27 Reflection Standard:  Service-learning incorporates multiple challenging reflection activities that are ongoing and that prompt deep thinking and analysis about oneself and one’s relationship to society.

28 Reflection Indicators  Service-learning reflection includes a variety of verbal, written, artistic, and nonverbal activities to demonstrate understanding and changes in participants’ knowledge, skills, and/or attitudes.  Service-learning reflection occurs before, during, and after the service experience.  Service-learning reflection prompts participants to think deeply about complex community problems and alternative solutions.

29 Reflection Indicators (continued)  Service-learning reflection encourages participants to examine their preconceptions and assumptions in order to explore and understand their roles and responsibilities as citizens.  Service-learning reflection encourages participants to examine a variety of social and civic issues related to their service- learning experience so that participants understand connections to public policy and civic life.

30 Reflection Ideas  Casting director  Storyboard summaries and perspectives  Taxonomy dice  Paseo wheel  Connecting Thinking and Action:;  Other ideas?

31 Progress Monitoring Standard:  Service-learning engages participants in an ongoing process to assess the quality of implementation and progress toward meeting specified goals, and uses results for improvement and sustainability.

32 Progress Monitoring Indicators  Collect evidence of progress toward meeting specific service goals and learning outcomes from multiple sources throughout the service-learning experience.  Collect evidence of the quality of service-learning implementation from multiple sources throughout the service-learning experience.  Use evidence to improve service-learning experiences.  Communicate evidence of progress toward goals and outcomes with the broader community, including policy-makers and education leaders, to deepen service-learning understanding and ensure that high quality practices are sustained.

33 Measuring Impact  On self Reflection tools Surveys Storytelling/anecdotes Portraiture  On neighborhood/community Direct measures from baselines Civic health indices Neighborhood health indices Many others…

34 Resources  Research papers and standards:  Research summaries, lesson bank, standards:  National Service-Learning Clearinghouse:

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