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Davis Future Renewable Energy and Efficiency (DavisFREE) Status Report to Davis Natural Resources Commission 1/26/15.

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Presentation on theme: "Davis Future Renewable Energy and Efficiency (DavisFREE) Status Report to Davis Natural Resources Commission 1/26/15."— Presentation transcript:

1 Davis Future Renewable Energy and Efficiency (DavisFREE) Status Report to Davis Natural Resources Commission 1/26/15

2 Background CEC competitive research grant award to address the building-related energy components of the City of Davis “Climate Action and Adaptation Plan” GHG reduction targets for 2015, 2020, and beyond. City-wide carbon neutrality by 2050. 5 primary research components Future implementation to be provided by existing “community engagement” teams.

3 Status Summary All major Research Activities completed. Final Report assembly and integration under way Close-out plan and schedule developed 3 supplemental assignments under way –Plan and budget for a pilot ZNE Retrofit Program for Davis –Estimate the market adoption potential for privately-owned rooftop PV systems –Solar water heating marketing materials (.ppt) Community Engagement tasks under way Project ends March 31, 2015 Will meet or exceed contract task deliverables Will complete on-time, under budget

4 Components (1) 1.Energy Data Development and Integration –Integration of community-wide energy data from PG&E “Green Communities” interactive database and City of Davis GIS system. –Aggregated customer energy data (~20-30 homes) –“Beta” test team for Green Comms – advised on data needs and tools improvements needed by municipalities to develop local energy and environmental programs –Extraction of energy-related data from City databases; approach will be very beneficial –Developed analytical databases and GIS maps from City data

5 Components (2) 2. Locally-available Renewable Energy Resource potential analysis (UCD and KEMA) –Community-scale systems (“solar gardens”) that can feed into distribution grid –PV on municipal properties, parking lots –Larger system (1MW+) options analyzed PV, biomass, wind, geothermal, micro hydro RE resources and applicable generation technologies; PV most viable Supply curves, cost-of-generation studies

6 Components (3) 3. Zero Net Energy Guidelines for Existing Residential Buildings (BIRAenergy) –Davis is a stable, low-growth community bound by agricultural lands –Cannot achieve GHG goals without major participation in this sector –Innovative research application using Davis GIS data –ZNE Guide will exceed contract reqts. 3 complete chapters 8 detailed draft chapters 2 more chapters may be derived from other BIRA reports

7 Components (4) 4. Solar Thermal Deployment Plan (Aztec Solar) –Reduction of direct combustion of natural gas (GHG) –Addressed barriers to SWH adoption –“Fast-track” plan for domestic water heating, swimming pools –Existing solar thermal and PV installations accurately located for each premise in Davis –New IOU incentive program pending for 2015 – will be included in final report

8 Components (5) 5. Community Engagement –Collaboration with Cool Davis, YEW, PG&E, YCH, PACE, LGC, etc. –Stakeholder presentations, webinars, construction contractor seminars, revised website, and other activities under way – Jan 15 through Mar 15 –DavisFREE has been integrated with market delivery plans for the Georgetown University Energy Prize –Implementation to be performed by existing energy program implementers

9 Components (4) 5. Community Engagement (VCAC, subs) –Work with CoolDavis, Yolo Energy Watch, PG&E, and others to integrate the research into their customer service delivery program designs, assist with messaging, and help develop delivery approaches –Reliance on local contractor network –Work with CEC, LGC, COGs, and others to disseminate products and approaches to other Central Valley communities

10 PG&E Green Communities “Dashboards” for Davis Energy Usage Overview and GHG Inventory reports; based on 3+ year detailed energy histories and incentive payments by program “Interactive” tool allows energy details to appear as the user slides the cursor over charts Identifies characteristics and trends in energy usage for a variety of market segments (single and multi-family housing, commercial, municipal) Data aggregated at ZIP+4 to protect individual customer usage and billing data (area of ~ 20-30 homes) Can serve as a “target marketing” tool

11 3 Green Communities Example Reports Energy Summary for Davis, 2005-2013 Residential and Non-residential Energy Usage – trends, segments, and avoided emissions PV Generation Interconnection capacity

12 Davis GIS Map Examples (7) Over 20 maps developed based on data from assessor’s office, land use and property records, construction permits, aerial photos, DavisFREE research, and other sources Can change map coverage area, resolution level, color enhancements, etc. to support neighborhood-level energy analyses and target marketing efforts

13 Example Maps Single Family Housing by Year of Construction Single Family Housing – Rentals vs. Owner-Occupied Current Rooftop Photovoltaic Installations Yolo County Crop Residues, by Energy Value Overlay map of Crop Residues with Direct Solar Energy potential Regional Wind Energy Map City-Owned “Planning Area” Properties with Community- Scale PV Potential

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