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Analysis of Covariance Harry R. Erwin, PhD School of Computing and Technology University of Sunderland.

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1 Analysis of Covariance Harry R. Erwin, PhD School of Computing and Technology University of Sunderland

2 Resources Crawley, MJ (2005) Statistics: An Introduction Using R. Wiley. Freund, RJ, and WJ Wilson (1998) Regression Analysis, Academic Press. Gonick, L., and Woollcott Smith (1993) A Cartoon Guide to Statistics. HarperResource (for fun).

3 Introduction Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) combines regression and ANOVA –Response variable is continuous –One or more explanatory factors (the treatments) –One or more continuous explanatory variables Usually done in a treatment study where explanatory variables are being included to improve the basic treatment/control comparison. Interaction between the slope for an explanatory variable and the treatment is not wanted. (Life is hard.) Maximal model includes estimating slopes and intercepts for each combination of the explanatory factors. Model simplification is the goal.

4 Context The goal of analysis of covariance is to reduce the error variance. This increases the power of tests and narrows the confidence intervals. There may be measurable variables that affect the response but have nothing to do with the factors (treatments) in the experiment. Analysis of covariance adjusts for those variables.

5 The Covariance Model For one treatment factor and one continuous control variable, x ij, the model is: –y ij =  0 +  i +  1 x ij +  ij This says the response is a constant (  0 ) plus a second constant (  i, depending on the factor) plus a third constant (  1 ) times the control variable (or covariate) plus an error (  ij ). The interest is in the difference between the treatment means (the  i ), not in the  0 or  1. You want to be able to reduce your model.

6 Assumptions in ANCOVA 1.The covariate x ij is not affected by the experimental factors. 2.The regression relationship measured by  1 must be the same for all factor levels. You need to verify these assumptions.

7 General Approach to ANCOVA First look at the effect of x ij. If it isn’t significant, do an ANOVA and be done with it. Check to see that x ij is not significantly affected by the factor values. Test to see that  1 is not significantly different for all factor levels. This is an interaction (a bad thing) between the factors and the covariates. Order matters: the covariates come after the factors in the model because they’re less important. If both tests pass, do the ANCOVA.

8 Example Response variable is weight Explanatory factor is sex Continuous explanatory variable is age. –weight male = a male + b male  age –weight female = a female + b female  age Six possible models. The goal is to eliminate as many parameters as possible. Reduce the model until all parameters are significant.

9 Book Example Notes –Use of plots to get insight into the significance of explanatory variables. –Note use of lm() in the models. It produces the same results as aov(), but with a different report. –Order matters—non-orthogonal data! –Use of summary.aov() –Eliminate interactions first. –anova() used in comparisons. –summary.lm() to provide the parameter estimates

10 Background This experiment studies the ability of a plant to regrow and produce seeds after grazing. The pregrazing size is the diameter of the top of the rootstock Grazing has two levels: grazed or ungrazed. Response is weight of seeds produced at the end of the growing season. Size of plant is believed to matter and also whether it was grazed.

11 Step 1 compensation<- read.table("compensation.txt",header=T) attach(compensation) names(compensation) [1] "Root" "Fruit" "Grazing” par(mfrow=c(2,2)) plot(Root,Fruit) plot(Grazing,Fruit)

12 Plot 1

13 Step 2 model<-lm(Fruit~Root*Grazing)  wrong way--inflates Grazing sum of sqs! summary.aov(model) Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) Root 1 16795.0 16795.0 359.9681 < 2.2e-16 *** Grazing 1 5264.4 5264.4 112.8316 1.209e-12 *** Root:Grazing 1 4.8 4.8 0.1031 0.75 Residuals 36 1679.6 46.7 model<-lm(Fruit~Grazing*Root)  correct way! Grazing is more important. summary.aov(model) Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) Grazing 1 2910.4 2910.4 62.3795 2.262e-09 *** Root 1 19148.9 19148.9 410.4201 < 2.2e-16 *** Grazing:Root 1 4.8 4.8 0.1031 0.75 Residuals 36 1679.6 46.7

14 Check to see if the interaction term is important model2<-lm(Fruit~Grazing+Root) anova(model,model2)  use anova to compare models Analysis of Variance Table Model 1: Fruit ~ Grazing * Root Model 2: Fruit ~ Grazing + Root  simpler model Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F) 1 36 1679.65 2 37 1684.46 -1 -4.81 0.1031 0.75

15 Report summary.lm(model2) Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) -127.829 9.664 -13.23 1.35e-15 *** GrazingUngrazed 36.103 3.357 10.75 6.11e-13 *** Root 23.560 1.149 20.51 < 2e-16 *** Residual standard error: 6.747 on 37 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.9291,Adjusted R-squared: 0.9252 F-statistic: 242.3 on 2 and 37 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16 Row 1 is the intercept for the factor level first in the alphabet (Grazed as opposed to Ungrazed). Row 2 is the difference Ungrazed – Grazed. Row 3 is the slope of the graph of seed production against rootstock size. Row 4 (when present) is the difference in slopes if the interaction term is significant. (Not significant here! 8)

16 What’s Going On? sf<-split(Fruit,Grazing) sr<-split(Root,Grazing) plot(Root,Fruit,type="n",ylab="Seed production",xlab="Initial root diameter") points(sr[[1]],sf[[1]],pch=16) points(sr[[2]],sf[[2]]) plot(Root,Fruit,type="n",ylab="Seed production",xlab="Initial root diameter") points(sr[[1]],sf[[1]],pch=16) points(sr[[2]],sf[[2]]) abline(-127.829,23.56) abline(-127.829+36.103,23.56,lty=2)

17 Plot 2

18 Suppose we ignored the initial root size? tapply(Fruit,Grazing,mean) Grazed Ungrazed 67.9405 50.8805  the opposite of the true situation! summary(aov(Fruit~Grazing)) Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) Grazing 1 2910.4 2910.4 5.3086 0.02678 * Residuals 38 20833.4 548.2 --- Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

19 Order Matters for Non-Orthogonal Data! The total variation in the response (SSY) is equal to the sum of the: –Variation explained by the treatment (SSA), plus the –Variation explained by the covariate, plus the –Variation explained by the interaction between the factor levels and the covariate (hopefully small), plus the –Variation explained by the error term. Since the factor levels and the covariate are dependent in non-orthogonal data, fitting the covariate first inflates the variation explained by the treatment, potentially producing an invalid positive result. So put the treatment variable first in the model.

20 Because Order Matters! Do you fit the categorical (treatment, T) or the continuous (control, L) explanatory variable first? With non-orthogonal data, order matters. Use a logical order. Hence fit to the treatment variable first. You’re interested in the effect of the treatment, not of the control variable. If the interaction between the treatment and control variables is significant, stop! It means the slopes differ significantly, which is a (nasty) problem.

21 Reading the Summary summary.lm(model2) Call: lm(formula = Fruit ~ Grazing + Root) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -17.1920 -2.8224 0.3223 3.9144 17.3290 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) -127.829* 9.664 -13.23 1.35e-15 *** GrazingUngrazed 36.103** 3.357 10.75 6.11e-13 *** Root 23.560*** 1.149 20.51 < 2e-16 *** Residual standard error: 6.747 on 37 degrees of freedom Multiple R-Squared: 0.9291,Adjusted R-squared: 0.9252 F-statistic: 242.3 on 2 and 37 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16

22 Using split() Applies to a vector or dataframe. sd<-split(d,f) divides the data in a dataframe (or vector), d, based on the factor, f. sd will be a list of vectors. Each vector in the list will correspond to a value of the factor (in alphabetical order). Each vector in sd can be plotted using its own symbol to give insight into the differences between factors. Book example.

23 The Moral If you have covariates, use them. They will improve your confidence intervals or identify that you have a problem. Order matters—(it always does in regression). Start by removing the highest order interaction terms first. Use a logical order. If the treatment (categorical) interacts significantly with the control (continuous), stop!

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