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By Hunter Holtzworth Sharpen the saw. The physical dimension The mental dimension The emotional dimension The spiritual dimension.

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Presentation on theme: "By Hunter Holtzworth Sharpen the saw. The physical dimension The mental dimension The emotional dimension The spiritual dimension."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Hunter Holtzworth Sharpen the saw


3 The physical dimension The mental dimension The emotional dimension The spiritual dimension

4 Eat good food Exercise Rest

5 Visit libraries and museums! Write stories and letters Exercise your brain with games and puzzles

6 Act kind Follow your bliss Keep promises

7 Keep a journal Read books Practice a religion Listen to and play music

8 BODY Give up junk food, TV, and whatever else may be hurting your body. MIND Go somewhere that you've never been before to expand you're horizons. HEART Go on an outing with a friend or family member and try to get to know them better. SOUL Take some time to reflect upon your life, pray, meditate, or whatever else works for you Pretty soon you'll be walkin, baby!

9 Abraham Lincoln was once asked, “What would you do if you had eight hours to cut down a tree?” He replied, “I’d spend the first four hours SHARPENING THE SAW!”

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