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Have I been criticized?. Campbell’s (1982) comments as outgoing editor of the Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP): …with perhaps one or two exceptions.

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Presentation on theme: "Have I been criticized?. Campbell’s (1982) comments as outgoing editor of the Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP): …with perhaps one or two exceptions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Have I been criticized?

2 Campbell’s (1982) comments as outgoing editor of the Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP): …with perhaps one or two exceptions there has been very little opportunity to exercise any professional biases [as editor of JAP]. One possible exception pertains to the use of a self-report questionnaire to measure all the variables in a study. If there is no evident construct validity for the questionnaire measure or no variables that are measured independently of the questionnaire, I am biased against the study and believe that it contributes very little. (p. 692)

3 What are reviewers’ concerns about MV? One possibility: compromised construct validity:  From CTT: X ij = T i + M j + E ij, X ij TiTi MjMj E ij

4 What are reviewers’ concerns about MV? Second possibility: covariance distortion due to CMV:  Again, from CTT:  Perhaps interestingly: X ij X i’j E ij E i’j TiTi T i’ MjMj

5 What are reviewers’ complaints about MV? Third possibility: effects of related methods: This formula is for a heterotrait-heteromethod correlation in a MTMM design Covariance distortion can still incur with different methods as long as the methods’ effects (l M s) are not inconsequential and methods are related (F MjMj’ )

6 What are best analytic approaches to demonstrating lack of CMV? CFA of MTMM data – is this the gold standard? Williams and Anderson’s (1994) approach using substantive method-related variables Lindell and Whitney’s (2001) partial correlation approach Need research that compares these approaches to highlight advantages of each

7 Discussions and disputes on CMV? Do not make the default assumption that “if it ain’t trait it must be method." 1 2..... M 1 2... N Subjects Traits T 12.....12..... Methods

8 Discussions and disputes on CMV? Very unfortunate consequences for at least two bodies of literature  Rater sources in 360 o ratings are not mere methods  Assessment center exercises are not mere methods Occasions of measurement and state-trait- occasion models Locate one’s measurement design within a broader multidimensional data array reminiscent of Cattell’s (1966) “data box”

9 Prototype multidimensional data array Persons (or groups or collectivities) Focal constructs Occasions of measurement Situations Observers or recorders Response modalities  Example – 360 o as persons x constructs x observers  Example – AC as persons x constructs x situations

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