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New years resolution By: Andrew Pinkston. Cooperation I need to cooperate more with my family, if they need me to do something even if I don’t want to.

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Presentation on theme: "New years resolution By: Andrew Pinkston. Cooperation I need to cooperate more with my family, if they need me to do something even if I don’t want to."— Presentation transcript:

1 New years resolution By: Andrew Pinkston

2 Cooperation I need to cooperate more with my family, if they need me to do something even if I don’t want to I will. Abraham Lincoln because when he was President of the United States of America he had to cooperate with the south to make sure that things where fair to them also. My dad is another example because he always has to cooperate with me and my sister even if we have different ideas. Another person who shows cooperation is my friend Ryan Hockstein. Ryan always cooperates with us no matter what game we want to play and he still has a good time.

3 I need to be determined to achieve or even try at goals I set even if they are hard Determination My mom is always determined to finish her work even if she has to stay up all night to finish she always gets it done. Martin Luther King Jr. is another person who had determination because when he was fighting to get blacks equal rights he had to stay on track no matter what was happening around him. Another person who shows determination is Mr. Parrish he is always determined to teach us even if we are misbehaving.

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