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Quarter 1. Toward the end of Fahrenheit 451, readers learn that the railroad men have each memorized a book. The men will recite the books when the world.

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Presentation on theme: "Quarter 1. Toward the end of Fahrenheit 451, readers learn that the railroad men have each memorized a book. The men will recite the books when the world."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quarter 1

2 Toward the end of Fahrenheit 451, readers learn that the railroad men have each memorized a book. The men will recite the books when the world is ready for them. If books were illegal, what book would you memorize and why?

3 Descriptive writing can be used by itself, but many times it is found in the other three types of writing. It uses details attained from the five senses to give the reader a "word picture" of a setting, an object, a person, or whatever it is that is being described. Prompt: Pretend that you were asked to deliver a pizza, in the desert, on a camel. What was your trip like? Use at least 1o Unit 1 vocabulary words in this descriptive piece. Underline or circle the vocab words you use. THIS ENTRY DOES NOT NEED TO BE A FULL PAGE.

4 Write a formal introduction and conclusion for an essay about _____ (you choose). Be sure to include and label the four parts of the introduction and 3 parts of the conclusion. This entry does not need to be a full page.

5 In “The Scarlet Ibis,” the narrator states, “…Pride is a wonderful, terrible thing, a seed that bears two vines, life and death” (354). What is pride? What does the statement mean in reference to the story? Is it valid outside the context of the story? Explain.

6 Quarter 2

7 Saki (author of “The Interlopers”) is known for employing surprise endings. Write a one-page fictional story that uses a cliff-hanger/surprise ending.

8 Connect Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream Speech,” FDR’s “First Inaugural Address” and To Kill a Mockingbird. Explore the common thread that ties them together. (This entry does not need to fill a full page, but should be precise and provide examples from each source.)

9 Journal #312/20 Choose an image below and analyze it. Write a story about the person who wears these shoes. (Put yourself in his/her shoes.)

10 Quarter 3

11 Now that you have begun reading Great Expectations, what is your impression of it? What characters have you met? What do you think of them? Characterize Pip. What’s his personality like? What are some if his dreams? Use examples from the story to support your opinion.

12 Reflect on your Metaphorical Mockingbirds in History Research Essay. In which areas did you excel? In which areas do you need improvement? Compare your writing in this essay to your writing in your Thematic Connections Research essay. How did you improve? What did you do differently for the Metaphorical Mockingbirds assignment?

13 Read over the characteristics of Gothic and Romantic literature. Write about how you have seen these specific characteristics within books that you have read and/or movies you have seen.

14 Look through your Shakespeare packets. Write about Shakespeare, Shakespearean theatre, the actor of Shakespeare’s time, and Elizabethan London.

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