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Primary Instructors August 22, 2012 Elementary Language Arts Office Primary Updates PRIAG Writing Assessments ConnectED: Electronic resources.

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Presentation on theme: "Primary Instructors August 22, 2012 Elementary Language Arts Office Primary Updates PRIAG Writing Assessments ConnectED: Electronic resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary Instructors August 22, 2012 Elementary Language Arts Office Primary Updates PRIAG Writing Assessments ConnectED: Electronic resources

2 Outcomes Participants will… gain knowledge of the changes to the PRIAG learn about the new writing assessments understand which reading artifacts should be included in the end of the year Language Arts folders explore ConnectEd, an online electronic resource.

3 PRIAG and Fountas & Pinnell Assessment System

4 P rimary Instruction and Assessment Guide Howard County Public School System’s GUIDE For Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System Aligned with Common Core Standards for Reading English Language Arts

5 Assessment Forms Book Spiral-Bound Book: Key pages: Table of Contents…iii Recording Forms…1 Optional Assessments…211 Getting Started…213 Assessing Fluency & Phrasing…225 Phonics & Word Analysis…229 Vocabulary Assessments…317 Resources…389

6 Assessment Guide Book Key pages Introduction…1 Administering & Scoring…11 Analyzing & Interpreting Results…41 Connecting to Instruction…59 Documenting Student Growth…105 Appendices…117 A – Books…118 B – Forms Book & CD-Rom…147 C – Data Management…157 D – Professional Development DVD…161 Frequently Asked Questions…162 Glossary…170

7 Fountas & Pinnell Assessment System

8 PRIAG 2012 Changes Page(s) number After administering the designated book [Level E, I, K, M] students will complete the Writing about Reading Prompt. {See: Directions for Documenting the Completion of a Developmental Level}. 5-6 Criteria at a Glance: Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System scoring criteria for accuracy, sources of information and oral reading rates. 10 Notice the additions to the Frequently Asked Questions {See: questions, 1, 8, 15, 16, 20}. 11-13 Determining End of the Year Instructional levels for Kindergarten has changed reflecting the T, M, E, reporting criteria for parents. 15 Target Reading Rates by Grade Level and Six Dimensions of Fluency charts have been added. 20 Analyzing Sources of Information at a Glance helps to define Meaning, Structure, and Visual cueing systems. 22 Instructional Options for using the resource books: The Next Step in Guided Reading and Daily 5. 24 Change in headings reflecting the Common Core Standards are added to the Reading Behaviors Checklist. 27-41 New text for the second grade articulation assessment ~ Charlie’s Blue Bag, A Fun Indoor Game. 48

9 Writing Assessments

10 Elementary Writing Assessments An On Demand Writing Assessment Prompt and rubric is provided for each grade level. A recommended timeline for giving the assessments is to administer an assessment in the middle of quarter 2, middle of quarter 3 and end of quarter 4. Teachers may determine the order in which they give the assessments. The assessments are designed to be given within a 35-minute period, including time for teacher directions, time for students to organize their thoughts, and time to answer the prompt. It is suggested that teachers score the On Demand Writing as a group with teachers in their team if possible. The student writing samples and Writing Assessment Record will be kept in the Language Arts folder. The On Demand Writing Assessment Prompts and Writing Assessment Record will replace the Writing Checklists and work samples that were piloted in the 2011-12 school year.

11 Language Arts Folders

12 Primary Folders Kindergarten and First Grades : All Reading Behavior Checklists F & P Benchmark Assessment Summary Forms All Designated/Exit Running Records from F & P Benchmark Assessments Most Recent F & P Benchmark Assessment Writing Assessment Record Writing Prompt Assessments (labeled with student’s name, date, and identified purpose: W1 Opinion, W2 Informative/Explanatory, or W3 Narrative) Second Grade All Reading Behavior Checklists F & P Benchmark Assessment Summary Forms All Designated/Exit Running Records ~ F&P Benchmark Assessments Most Recent F & P Benchmark Assessment Grade 2 Articulation Assessment (Charlie’s Blue Bag and A Fun Indoor Game) Writing Assessment Record Writing Prompt Assessments (labeled with student’s name, date, and identified purpose: W1 Opinion, W2 Informative/Explanatory, or W3 Narrative)

13 INTRODUCTION to Username: mybooks11 Password: mhe2013


15 Please complete the following in this order: How To Tutorials How to Register: ow_to_register.html How to Access Content: ow_to_register.html ow_to_view_content.html ow_to_view_content.html

16 Brainshark Video Features: hillseg/vu?pi=zHCzGSqBUz3rXVz0 hillseg/vu?pi=zHCzGSqBUz3rXVz0

17 Technology Treasure Hunt Username: mybooks11 Password: mhe2013

18 The Heart of a Teacher Have a wonderful and inspirational school year

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