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Halloween Illustrations and Short Storybook

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1 Halloween Illustrations and Short Storybook

2 Art Vocabulary Bell Ringer: Active = expressing movement.
Agenda: To write and illustrate a scary short story by using 1 of 3 writing prompts (teacher made). TSW create cover art and titles to reflect what the story is about.


4 What do you think this book will be about according to the cover art?

5 What mood does this cover art provoke in you?


7 Writing Prompts While walking home from school one evening, I decided to take a short cut through the old town cemetery. 2. ___________ and I were getting dressed in our Halloween costumes to go to the school Halloween dance. We were expecting a fun evening...until the unthinkable happened! 3. It was Halloween night. I was home alone watching old horror movies on television. Mom and Dad would not be home from their trip until the next morning.

8 Project Steps: TSW begin by choosing a writing prompt and then brainstorming (characters, events, ideas for illustrations,etc.). 1. After choosing a prompt and brainstorming, each student will write at least a 2 page rough draft. 2. After the rough drafts have been assessed to make sure proper corrections were made, TSW the sheets of copy paper that I made into books. 3. TSW create a cover for their book to include cover art related to the story, plus the Title and author. 4. TSW transfer their revised drafts into their booklet (leaving spaces on some pages and at least one full page inside the book to illustrate scenes from the Book.


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