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Africa RISING Ethiopian Highlands Research Component 1 - Characterization Alan Duncan, Beth Cullen, Aster Grbrekristos, Stefan Shultz Africa RISING-EH.

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Presentation on theme: "Africa RISING Ethiopian Highlands Research Component 1 - Characterization Alan Duncan, Beth Cullen, Aster Grbrekristos, Stefan Shultz Africa RISING-EH."— Presentation transcript:

1 Africa RISING Ethiopian Highlands Research Component 1 - Characterization Alan Duncan, Beth Cullen, Aster Grbrekristos, Stefan Shultz Africa RISING-EH Planning meeting 13-14 Feb 20113

2 ILRI (lead): Expertise in the development and application of a wide range of participatory methods (e.g. for characterisation of resource availability and utilisation and stratification of households within communities); Gender analysis (identification of gender-disaggregated constraints and opportunities and identification of gender-equitable solutions). CIP: Past experience of community situation analysis and action research planning. ICRAF: Resource mapping and formalisation of indigenous knowledge and practises. National Partners: Community engagement; past experience in the use of diagnostic approaches and tools. Partners

3 Endogenous  Driver of Innovation  Exogenous Opportunities for scaling innovation (endogenous and exogenous) Biophysical and socio-economic benchmarks Research component 2 Identified market opportunities Characterisation of specific value chains (actors and links) Research component 4 Functioning multi-stakeholder platforms Review of best technology / management options Validate technologies / management practices Ex ante modelling / impact assessment Research component 5 Scaling: to be developed Adaptation and integration of technologies / management practices Community knowledge exchange groups established Research component 3 Community characterisation and stratification Inventory of current technologies / practices and their sources Participatory problem identification and gap analysis Research component 1 System characterisation and analysis Community institutions and knowledge exchange Markets and wider stakeholders Outputs to outcomes “Action research” Community characterisation and stratification Inventory of current technologies / practices and their sources Participatory problem identification and gap analysis Research component 1 System characterisation and analysis

4 Socio-economic community characterization. Characterisation of bio-physical environment. Household stratification (against socio-economic and biophysical factors) Gender analysis. Inventory of current practices / technologies and their sources. Participatory problem identification and gap analysis. Key deliverables

5 Household typologies Some issues

6 Each household is different For intensification strategies – one size does not fit all Can we find ways of characterizing households that will lead to better tailored interventions? What is the minimum dataset needed to do this? Household typologies

7 Women and men play different roles in the household economy and reap different benefits How do we take account of this in designing sustainable intensification strategies? Gender

8 What is the minimum dataset (biophysical and socio- economic, quantitative and qualitative) required for effective household characterisation and stratification and to meet the needs of monitoring progress towards AR-EH / FtF development outcomes? What is the best approach to mainstreaming household gender considerations so that they inform the selection of technologies and practices for sustainable intensification? What is the best way of conducting gap analysis and problem identification for a household based programme of action research for SI? Research Questions

9 Different approaches to designing intervention strategies Gap analysis/problem identification

10 Participatory household characterisations. Basic socio-economic survey of quantitative indicators. SLATE AKT5 baselines for future M&E Approach – socioeconomic characterization

11 Identification of a suite of biophysical indicators for M&E Household-level sampling frame across the AR-EH sites. GIS-based approaches for strengthening these data. Baselines for future M&E Approach – biophysical envt characterization

12 Livelihoods asset for household typologies Participatory approaches to interpreting and strengthening asset-based strata. Needs assessment for more detailed, household survey based stratifications. Approach – Household stratification

13 Study of gender differentiation Identification of potential entry points based on strengthening household management teams. Approach – Gender analysis

14 Participatory study of current practices and technologies including mapping of uptake pathways Approach – inventory of current technologies and their source

15 Livestock production and management practises including the feed resource base (FEAST / Techfit). Future visions, challenges and solutions. Trade-offs analysis. Criteria that might influence applicability, performance and adoption of technologies and management practices. Feed into ex ante impact assessments conducted under RC5. Approach – Participatory problem identification and gap analysis

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