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Presentation on theme: "Dermatopathology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dermatopathology

2 Outline Benign epithelial tumors Acne Keloids
Disorders of pigmentation Disorders of sunlight exposure Chronic dermatoses Disorders of epidermal Appendages Infections

3 Seborrheic keratosis.(stuck on appearance)

4 Seborrheic keratosis.

5 Seborrheic keratosis.,Summary
Proliferation of squamous cells Multiple,velvet like, tan to brown colored lesions Chest ,face ,back “Stuck on” appearance Biopsy shows melanin in the cytoplasm Non malignant Not related to seborrheic dermatitis Not related to actinic keratosis

6 Acne,summary Acute and chronic inflammation Adolescent, young people
excessive production of sebum Infection and inflammation Propionebacterium acnes

7 Keloid

8 Proliferation and increased deposition of collagen in the dermis
Proliferation and increased deposition of collagen in the dermis. Keloids.

9 How does Keloid differ from hypertrophic scars?

10 Benign nevus

11 Benign nevus

12 Halo nevus, Freckles,

13 Vitiligo, antibodies against melanocytes

14 Tatoos, Gross and microscopic

15 Diseases associated with sun exposure
Melanoma Actinic keratosis Squamous cell carcinoma Basal Cell carcinoma Basal cell carcinoma is the most common. Melanoma is the most aggressive

16 Melanoma

17 Excisional biopsy from Melanoma

18 Note the prominent nuclear material and pleomorphism

19 Melanoma Most important signs are change in color,size or shape
The extent of vertical growth or depth of the tumor is a predictor of tumor activity

20 Basal Cell carcinoma

21 Basal Cell carcinoma Slow growing Rare metastasis
Pearly, silvery tumors May ulcerate(rodent ulcers)

22 Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin

23 Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin
P53 mutation Actinic keratoses

24 Psoriasis

25 Psoriasis Chronic dermatoses Also arthritis, enteritis, myopathy
Elbow ,knees,scalp Silver scales on the skin Nail changes are common(onycholysis separation of nail plate from nail bed) Morphology :extensive sacles or parakeratosis. Lifting of the scales leads to bleeding(Auspitz sign)

26 Molluscum Contagiosum

27 Molluscum Contagiosum
Single most important risk factor, AIDs Etiologic agent Pox virus Characteristic umbilicated lesions.

28 Erythema Nodusom

29 Erythema Nodusom Commonest example of a panniculitis
Inflammatory reaction affecting subcutaneus fat. Streptpyogenes,Histoplasmosis,Sarcoidosis,Coccidiodomycosis,OCPs,sulphanamides Crohn’s disease) Red, itchy, painful skin lesions common on the shin.

30 Toxic epidermal necrolyis

31 TEN,SJS and Erythema multiformes
Recognize and identify the distinguishing feature of Erythema multiformes(etiology,drugs,mycoplasma,Herpes simplex,E.T.C) Appearance target lesions. Variant of erythema multiformes TEN (Toxic epidermal necrolysis)>30% BSA(body surface area affected) Steven-Johnson Syndrome>10% BSA affected

32 Purpura

33 Petechia, purpura, Echymosis
List the distinguishing features of petechiae ,Purpura and Echymosis.

34 Impetigo

35 I wish you guys success At age 4, success is…not peeing your pants.
At age 12, success is…having friends. At age 20, success is…having sex. At age 35, success is…making money. At age 60, success is…having sex. At age 70, success is…having friends. At age 80, success is…not peeing your pants

36 Thank you!!!

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