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Teaching descriptive and constructive geometry at the Department of Geometry Budapest University of Technology and Economics M. Szilvasi-Nagy Web-site.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching descriptive and constructive geometry at the Department of Geometry Budapest University of Technology and Economics M. Szilvasi-Nagy Web-site."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching descriptive and constructive geometry at the Department of Geometry Budapest University of Technology and Economics M. Szilvasi-Nagy Web-site of the Department:

2 Basic course of descriptive geometry at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (1 semester, 1+2 hours) Orthographic projection (Monge’s system) Constructions with lines, planes and polyhedra true size, distances, angles Projection of the circle, representation of a sphere, cone and cylinder, intersection with planes, conic sections Axonometric view The constructions are made with traditional tools (pencil, rulers, compasses)because of the big number of students (~350)

3 Classical constructions in Monge projections

4 Orthogonal axonometric view

5 Descriptive geometry with computer-aided modeling for engineering designer students (1 semester, 1+2 hours) Descriptive geometry (common with mech. eng.) Spatial constructions with a CAD-system (4*2 hours in the semester) Constructions of polyhedra (spatial geometry) Modeling with simple solids (prisms, cylinders, geometric transformations, Boolean operations)

6 Spatial construction with the help of Cadkey

7 Pyramids on the faces of a parallelepiped

8 The resulting solid in orthographic and axonometric views

9 Worksheet for the construction

10 Construction of a cube

11 Composite model (Boolean operations)

12 Composite model with cylindrical components (geometric transformations)

13 Constructive geometry with computer (optional course for more faculties; 1 semester, 1+2 hours) Geometric backgrounds of modeling (definition, geometric operations, visualization) Spatial constructions, modeling with solids, spline-curves and free-form surfaces (labs. with Cadkey)

14 Constructions of regular polyhedra

15 Intersection of a cube and a sphere

16 Modeling with different surfaces

17 Visualization methods

18 Models of our students


20 Models of our students The CadKey download files of student’s works are on the web-site of our department: The viewer program CKviewer (linked there) shows only wire-frame models. In order to get full impression of the models use the viewer of KubotekSpectrum (free download):

21 Compoly: teaching program for interactive construction on the web (

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