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Achieving Fine-Grained CAE-CAE Associativity via Analyzable Product Model (APM)-based Idealizations Topic Area: Design-Analysis Interoperability (DAI) Developing a Design/Simulation Framework A Workshop with CPDA's Design and Simulation Council April 6, 2005 Atlanta, Georgia Copyright © All Rights Reserved. Permission to reproduce and distribute without changes for non-commercial purposes (including internal corporate usage) is hereby granted provided this notice and a proper citation are included. Synopsis: This talk overviews a simulation template methodology based on analyzable product models (APMs) that combine design information from multiple sources, add idealization knowledge, and bridge semantic gaps to enable advanced DAI. Backup Slides
Constrained Objects: A Knowledge Representation for Design, Analysis, and Systems Engineering Interoperability Students: Manas Bajaj, Injoong KimFaculty: Russell Peak, Miyako Wilson Approach & Status Approach Extend and apply the constrained object (COB) representation and related methodology based on positive results to date Expand within international efforts like the OMG UML for Systems Engineering work to broaden applicability and impact Status Current generation capabilities have been successfully demonstrated in diverse environments (circuit boards, electronic chip packages, airframes) with sponsors including NASA, Rockwell Collins, Shinko (a major supplier to Intel), and Boeing. Templates for chip package thermal analysis are in production usage at Shinko with over 75% reduction in modeling effort (deformation/stress templates are soon to follow) Objectives Develop better methods of capturing engineering knowledge that : Are independent of vendor-specific CAD/CAE/SE tools Support both easy-to-use human-sensible views and robust computer-sensible formulations in a unified manner Handle a diversity of product domains, simulation disciplines, solution methods, and leverage disparate vendor tools Apply these capabilities in a variety of sponsor-relevant test scenarios: Proposed candidates are templates and custom capabilities for design, analysis, and systems engineering Contributions & Benefits To Scholarship Develop richer understanding of modeling (including idealizations and multiple levels of abstraction) and representation methods To Industry Better designs via increased analysis intensity Increased automation and model consistency Increased modularity and reusability Increased corporate memory via better knowledge capture Additional Information: 1. 2. Response to OMG UML for Systems Engineering RFI: 3. Characterizing Fine-Grained Associativity Gaps: A Preliminary Study of CAD-E Model Interoperability Collaboration Needed Support for 1-3 students depending on project scope Sponsor involvement to provide domain knowledge and facilitate pilot usage Constrained Object (COB) Formulations COB-based Airframe Analysis Template Chip Package Stress Analysis Template XML UML
3 Students: Manas Bajaj, Injoong Kim Faculty: Russell Peak, Miyako Wilson Approach & Status Approach Use STEP AP210-based electronics product model for high fidelity representation of the PCB geometry Identify key design aspects (stackup, metallization features, etc.) that concern warpage behavior of PCBs Evaluate warpage vulnerability of PCBs: locate deformation “hot-spots” and suggest design improvements Status Completed prototype implementation with initial idealizations (including COTS tool web services) Under development: next level of idealizations Project seed funding provided by NIST Collaborators: AkroMetrix, InterCAX/LKSoft, Rockwell Collins Publications Zwemer, D., Bajaj, M., Peak, R.S. et al., PWB Warpage Analysis and Verification Using an AP210 Standards-based Engineering Framework and Shadow Moiré. To be presented at EuroSimE 2004 (May, 2004) Brussels. Objectives Develop methodology for information-hungry analysis templates to leverage rich product models Application: Enable detailed thermo-mechanical warpage of printed circuit boards (PCBs) Implement the methodology as automated design, analysis and enrichment activities in standards-based engineering frameworks Contributions & Benefits To Scholarship Develop smart, custom algorithms for processing, analyzing and deducing complex thermo-mechanical behavior of PCBs at different stages of their life cycle To Industry Richer design and analysis models in PLM contexts Ability to publish behavioral design requirements for PCBs to circuit board manufacturers without sharing proprietary assembly processes Increased yield and quality, and reduced costs Collaboration Needed Explore possibilities of integrating efficient knowledge management, smart product representation to support detailed design-analysis integration as a part of standards-based engineering framework Support for 1-3 students depending on project scope Standards-based Simulation Templates for Electronics AP210-based PCB Stackup Design and Warpage Analysis Multi-Representation Architecture Template for Model Transformation STEP AP210-based Manufacturable Product Model … Analysis Building Block Model Warpage Profile … 1 2 3
4 Students: Sai Zeng, Injoong Kim Faculty: Russell Peak, Miyako Wilson, Robert Fulton Approach & Status Approach Perform systematic process design Capture analysis concepts as rich, reusable information models Deploy web services Status Completed for chip package manufacturer (Shinko) Software tool In production usage Objectives Provide seamless integration between design and analysis in distributed environments Increase knowledge capture during integration Enhance FEA model generation and reusability Contributions & Benefits To Scholarship Integration method to bridge systems across disciplines, domains, and functions within PLM environments To Industry Automated FEA modeling process for chip package design Reduced FEA modeling time from days/hours to minutes Collaboration Needed Usage extension in additional organizations Development to extend beyond chip package applications Support for 1-3 students depending on project scope Additional information: Knowledge-based FEA Modeling Electronic Chip Package Applications Example Chip Package Products Tool Usage View Auto-Chopping 182 input bodies 9056 decomposed bodies
5 Pilot & Initial Production Usage Results Product Model-Driven Analysis u Reduced FEA modeling time > 10:1 (days/hours minutes) u Reduced simulation cycle > 75% u Enables greater analysis intensity Better designs u Leverages XAI / CAD-CAE interoperability techniques –Objects, Internet/web services, ubiquitization methodology, … References [1] Shinko 5/00 (in Koo, 2000) [2] Shinko evaluation 10/12/00 VTMB = variable topology multi-body technique [Koo, 2000]
6 Knowledge Representation Elements Knowledge Representation Definition Languages Meta-Model Graphical Representations Protocol Operations/Methods Structure/Content
7 COB Modeling Languages Lexical and Graphical Formulations Structure Level (Template) Instance Level OWL, XML, and UML formulations are envisioned extensions
8 COB Structure: Graphical Forms Tutorial: Triangle Primitive Basic Constraint Schematic-S Notation c. Constraint Schematic-S a. Shape Schematic-S b. Relations-S d. Subsystem-S (for reuse by other COBs) Aside: This is a “usage view” in AP210 terminology (vs. the above “design views”)
9 COBs as Building Blocks Tutorial: Triangular Prism COB Structure c. Constraint Schematic-S a. Shape Schematic-S b. Relations-S d. Subsystem-S (for reuse by other COBs) e. Lexical COB Structure (COS) COB triangular_prism SUBTYPE_OF geometric_shape; length, l : REAL; cross-section : triangle; volume, V : REAL; RELATIONS r1 : " == * "; END_COB;
10 Example COB Instance Tutorial: Triangular Prism Constraint Schematic-ILexical COB Instance (COI) state 1.0 (unsolved): INSTANCE_OF triangular_prism; cross-section.base : 2.0; cross-section.height : 3.0; length : 5.0; volume : ?; END_INSTANCE; state 1.1 (solved): INSTANCE_OF triangular_prism; cross-section.base : 2.0; cross-section.height : 3.0; cross-section.area : 3.0; length : 5.0; volume : 15.0; END_INSTANCE; Basic Constraint Schematic-I Notation example 1, state 1.1
11 Convergence of Representations Database Techniques (data structure, storage …) Software Development (algorithms …) Artificial Intelligence & Knowledge-Based Techniques (structure combined with algorithms/relations/behavior) EER STEP Express ER UML Flow Charts OMT Objects Rules Constraint graphs Constrained Object - like Representations COBs, OCL,...
12 Parametric Diagram Firing Range Cannon Example From: SysML Specification v0.3 (Draft 2004-01-12) p 66 Standardization of COB Concepts and Notation In SysML
13 Contributing COB Concepts to SysML Parametric Diagrams Tutorial Example: Elementary Spring Classical COB Representation SysML Parametric Diagram Draft 2003-12 from Alan Moore ( and Sandy Friedenthal (LMCO)
14 Two Spring System Example as SysML Parametric Diagram Draft 2003-12 from Alan Moore ( and Sandy Friedenthal (LMCO)
15 Constrained Object (COB) Representation Current Technical Capabilities - Generation 2 u Capabilities & features: –Various forms: computable lexical forms, graphical forms, etc. »Enables both computer automation and human comprehension –Sub/supertypes, basic aggregates, multi-fidelity objects –Multi-directionality (I/O changes) –Reuses external programs as white box relations –Advanced associativity added to COTS frameworks & wrappers u Analysis module/template applications (XAI/MRA): –Analysis template languages –Product model idealizations –Explicit associativity relations with design models & other analyses –White box reuse of existing tools (e.g., FEA, in-house codes) –Reusable, adaptable analysis building blocks –Synthesis (sizing) and verification (analysis)
16 Constrained Objects (cont.) Representation Characteristics & Advantages - Gen. 2 u Overall characteristics –Declarative knowledge representation (non-causal) –Combining object & constraint graph techniques –COBs = (STEP EXPRESS subset) + (constraint graph concepts & views) u Advantages over traditional analysis representations –Greater solution control –Richer semantics (e.g., equations wrapped in engineering context) –Unified views of diverse capabilities (tool-independent) –Capture of reusable knowledge –Enhanced development of complex analysis models u Toolkit status (XaiTools v0.4) –Basic framework, single user-oriented, file-based See Advanced Topics for Gen.3 Extensions
17 COB-based Constraint Schematic for Multi-Fidelity CAD-CAE Interoperability Flap Link Benchmark Example
18 FEA-based Analysis Subsystem Used in Linkage Plane Stress Model (2D Analysis Problem) Higher fidelity version vs. Linkage Extensional Model ABB SMM SMM Template
19 SMM with Parameterized FEA Model Flap Link Plane Stress Model !EX,NIUX,L,WS1,WS2,RS1,RS2,TS1,TS2,TW,TF,WF,FORCE... /prep7 ! element type et,1,plane42 ! material properties mp,ex,1,@EX@! elastic modulus mp,nuxy,1,@NIUX@! Poissons ratio ! geometric parameters L = @L@! length ts1 = @TS1@! thickness of sleeve1 rs1 = @RS1@! radius of sleeve1 (rs1<rs2) tf = @TF@! thickness of shaft flange... ! key points k,1,0,0 k,2,0,rs1+ts1 k,3,-(rs1+ts1)*sin(phi),(rs1+ts1)*cos(phi)... ! lines LARC,3,2,1,rs1+ts1, LARC,7,3,1,rs1+ts1,... ! areas FLST,2,4,4 AL,P51X... ANSYS Prep7 Template @EX1@ = Parameters populated by context ABB Preprocessor Model Figure
20 COB-based Constraint Schematic for Multi-Fidelity CAD-CAE Interoperability Flap Link Benchmark Example
21 Flap Linkage Torsional Model Diverse Mode (Behavior) vs. Linkage Extensional Model
22 Short Course: Using Standards-based Engineering Frameworks for Electronics Product Design and Life Cycle Support
23 Domain Abstraction Level Requirements SoftwareElectronics Structures Systems Engineering Models of varying abstractions and domains Legend Model interfaces: Fine-grained associativity relations among domain-specific models and system-level models Development Process … Rich models: Information objects Parametric relations … … … … … After Bajaj, Peak, & Waterbury 2003-09 Optimization Knowledge Graphs for Next-Generation PLM Customer/Acquisitions … … … Human Interfaces … Optimization clusters: “Systems of systems” model subgraphs for finding satisficing solutions 2004-09
24 Towards Standards-based PLM Frameworks Model-centric view (vs. Tool-centric view) Eagle Traditional Tools Mentor Graphics Electrical CAD Tools AP210 Doors Slate Systems Engineering Tools Pro/E CATIA Mechanical CAD Tools … AP203, AP214AP233, SysML Collective Product Model Building Blocks: Information models & meta-models International standards Industry specs Corporate standards Local customizations Modeling technologies: Express, XML, UML, OWL, COBs, … XaiTools PWA-B LKSoft, … Gap-Filling Tools XaiTools PWA-B EPM, LKSoft, STI, … STEP-Book AP210, SDAI-Edit, STI AP210 Viewer,... Instance Browser/Editor PWB Stackup Tool, … pgef Engineering Framework Tool AP210AP2xx Standards-based Submodels
25 A Process Perspective Process = Order in which Relationships are Applied Product Perspective Process Perspective Source: Chris Paredis, 2004
26 Next-Generation PLM/SLiM Framework PLM/SLiM = Product/System Lifecycle Mgt. Source: Chris Paredis, 2004
27 Model interfaces: Macro-level associativity Micro-level associativity COB-based Representation & Associativity for all Lifecycle Models Application to DH Brown’s “12-Fold Way” Legend COB-based models: Information objects Parametric relations
28 Security Center Dashboard Overall Status of Key Systems Crowd Controls HVAC Systems Biological Detection Chemical Detection Electrical Systems SystemStatus Communication Systems Cargo Screening Passenger Screening …… Main Terminal Source: 2003-04-24
29 Enabling Next-Generation Model-Based Security (MBS): Complex System Representation & Model Interoperability Hartsfield International Airport (HIA) Security Scenarios Source: 2003-04-24 Utilizes generalized MRA terminology (preliminary)
30 Abstract STEP, XML, and UML: Complementary Technologies One important aspect of product lifecycle management (PLM) is the computer-sensible representation of product information. Over the past fifteen years or so, several languages and technologies have emerged that vary in their emphasis and applicability for such usage. ISO 10303, informally known as the Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data (STEP), contains the high-quality product information models needed for electronic business solutions based on the Extensible Markup Language (XML). However, traditional STEP-based model information is represented using languages that are unfamiliar to most application developers. This paper discusses efforts underway to make STEP information models available in universal formats familiar to most business application developers: specifically XML and the Unified Modeling Language™ (UML®). We also present a vision and roadmap for future STEP integration with XML and UML to enable enhanced PLM interoperability. Extended version in JCISE December 2004 issue: Notice: Commercial equipment and materials are identified in order to describe certain procedures. Some slides include product names for example purposes only (i.e., to help clarify the concepts presented via specific instances). In no case does such identification imply recommendation or endorsement by the authors or their organizations, nor does it imply that the materials or equipment identified are necessarily the best available for the purpose. Unified Modeling Language, UML, Object Management Group, OMG, and XMI are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Object Management Group, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. Java is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
31 Primary Information Representation Technologies for Standards-based PLM Frameworks (STEP Part 11) Information ModelingImplementation MethodsStandardized Content
32 STEP, XML, UML Capabilities regarding Engineering/Technical Domains CharacteristicAspectClassical STEPXMLUML Information Modeling Capability: Popularity: u High (+) u Narrow u High (-) u High u High (-) u High Implementation Methods Capability: Popularity: u High (-) u Narrow: pre-web u High Standardized Content Breadth: Depth/Richness: Coordination: Usage: u High u Broad (MCAD), plus Limited / Emerging (others) u Medium u Medium+ u Low (islands) u Broad (some), plus Emerging u Medium (s/w+) u Medium+ u Medium u Broad (some), plus Emerging Complementary Strengths Note: “Next-wave STEP” is adding XML and UML implementation methods (a.k.a. Parts 28 and 25)
33 “STEP on a Page” Application Protocols (APs) Source: “STEP on a Page” by Jim Nell. 2003-April-07 version. p. 1 of 3
34 STEP on a Page - IRs, etc.
35 STEP on a Page - App. Modules (AMs)
36 User/Owner/Operator Acquisition Authority Systems Engineering ManagementMarketing User/Owner/Operator Business Strategy Concept RFPProposalContractManagement Info Mechanical Electrical Chemical Digital Civil Controls Communications Logistics Maintenance Manufacture STEP ISO SC4 Specifications Software UML ISO SC7 Engineering Disciplines What is the context of Systems Engineering? 2002-04 - Mike Dickerson, NASA-JPL
37 Complementary Usage of STEP, UML, and XML for Systems Engineering: Envisioned AP233-SysML Relationship Source: 2003-12
38 AP 212: Electrotechnical Design and Installation Electrotechnical Equipment in Industry Electrotechnical Plant Plant, e.g., Automobile Unit, e.g., Engine Control System Subunit, e.g., Ignition System Electrotechnical Systems Buildings Plants Transportation Systems Equipment Coverage Power-transmission Power-distribution Power-generation Electric Machinery Electric Light and Heat Control Systems Data Supporting Terminals and Interfaces Functional Decomposition of Product 3D Cabling and Harnesses Cable Tracks and Mounting Instructions
The Cable/Harness Problem 2003-11 - from Northrop Grumman Corp. (NGC) ? ? ? ? ? ? Need to coordinate E-MCAD designs, … ECAD (LCable**, CapitalH, …) MCAD (UG) In collaboration with
40 Sample Solution Elements LKSoft IDA-STEP and related AP212 converters (EPLAN, Lcable, …) Possible extensions to fulfill particular company needs Ex. - merging/difference tool AP212 standard: AP212 model interaction in IDA-STEP v1.3.1ECAD Cable/Harness Tools (e.g. EPLAN, LCable) In collaboration with
41 Geometry Solids Data Surface Data Wireframe Measured Data Analysis Simulation Technology Data Material Data Form Features Tolerance Data Surface Conditions Manufacturing NC-Data Process Plans Specification/Configuration Product Structure Data Management Data Presentation Drawing Visualization ProSTEP AP 214: Core Data for Automotive Mechanical Design Processes
42 IDA-STEP Overview u IDA-STEP Viewer (v1.2 - May, 2004 - free download) –Supports AP203, AP212, AP214 –Downloadable from u IDA-STEP Center version –Adds editing and transformation/export capabilities –Supports repository interfaces Example end-user tool for viewing and editing rich product models in an open standards-based PLM environment
43 Linking Intelligent 3D with Product Structure
44 Process Plan - Tree Read Only, data generated in eM-Planner TM / Tecnomatix
45 Linking Intelligent 2D (e.g. Factory Layout) with Product Structure
46 Example Features and Usage of Standards-based Tools for Rich Product Models (IDA-STEP v1.2) u AP203, AP212, AP214 and PDM-Schema support u Viewing 2D & 3D geometry and intelligent schematics u Creation and editing of rich PLM information u Single user versions (PC, Workstation) u Multi-user environments: STEP database using MySQL and Oracle Target Usage u Standards-based PLM for SMEs u Prime-SME collaboration via rich product models The Adobe Acrobat / pdf equivalent for rich product models
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