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The Large-Scale Climate Datasets Ghassem R. Asrar Director, World Climate Research Programme Genva, Switzerland.

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Presentation on theme: "The Large-Scale Climate Datasets Ghassem R. Asrar Director, World Climate Research Programme Genva, Switzerland."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Large-Scale Climate Datasets Ghassem R. Asrar Director, World Climate Research Programme Genva, Switzerland

2 Outline WCRP at a glance Earth/climate system partnerships Large scale climate data sets Future plans & priorities Summary

3 The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), was established at the first World Climate Conference in 1979, and it is sponsored jointly by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the International Council for Science (ICSU), and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO The major objectives of the WCRP are to: Determine the predictability of climate, and Determine the effect of human activities on climate “…for use in an increasing range of practical applications of direct relevance, benefit and value to society.” Mission & Objectives

4 A 10-year initiative of international scientific collaboration on Earth system research led by ICSU and Belmont Forum Future Earth: Research for Global Sustainability

5 SMOS IKONOS QuickBird SPIN-2SPOT 4, 5 EROS A1 Envisat Aura/Aqua/Terra Grace QuikScat Sage TRMM Toms-EP UARS Landsat 7 SORCE ACRIMSAT SeaWiFS ERBS Orbview 2, 3 Radarsat DMC SAC-C SAC-D/Aquarius COSMO-SkyMed © GEO Secretariat GOSAT Pleiades TerraSAR-X SeaWinds Jason ALOS CBERS International Earth Observing Systems

6 International Ocean Observing Systems Temperature profiles from merchant ships 2002 ARGO installation 2003

7 Nitrogen flow Agricultura l land use Ocean acidity Freshwater consumption Phosphorus flow Climate Change Atmospheric aerosol load Chemical pollution Ozone depletion Biodiversity loss ? ? 50-60 70-80 Latest data 90-00 Pre- Ind. ? ? ? ?


9 WCRP Implementation Plan The Interdisciplinary Nature of Climate Science –Atmosphere, Oceans and Climate –Cryosphere and Climate –Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate –Water, Energy and Climate Meeting the Information Needs of Society Activities in Support of Key Deliverables –Decadal Climate Variability, Predictability and Prediction –Sea-Level Variability and Change –Climate/Weather Extremes –Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics –Centennial Climate Change Projections –Seasonal Climate Prediction Capabilities in Support of WCRP Integrating Themes –Climate-Quality Data Sets and Analyses –A New Generation of Climate/Earth System Models –Next Generation of Climate Experts: Developing Capacity Regionally and Globally A network of several thousands scientists contributing on voluntary basis.

10 Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment – CORDEX IPCC AR5 Climate-system Historical Forecast Project - CHFP Coupled Model Intercomparison Phase 5 – CMIP5 IPCC AR5 Chemistry-Climate Model Validation Arctic Antarctic Africa Example: Major Climate Prediction & Projection Experiments

11 Improving Climate Projections: CMIP-5 Global-mean near-surface temperature anomalies in simulations with all natural and anthropogenic forcings (red line), and with the anthropogenic aerosol forcing alone (black line), in one of the CMIP5 models. (from Boucher et al, 2011) Permissible emissions as simulated by a CMIP5 model (HadGEM2-ES) compared with observed CO2 emissions for the historical period and those projected for the RCP scenarios (OBS/IAMs) (from Friedlingstein and Jones, 2011) 5-9 March 2012 – CMIP-5 Analysis Workshop

12 Assessment of Ozone Depletion/Recove ry-2010 The shaded areas in panels (c)-(e) came from CCMVal based on sophisticated statistical analysis of model variability and trends. In past Assessments, estimates of model uncertainties were limited! Scientific Assessments

13 Skillful Regional Climate Information CORDEX 12 domains with a resolution of 0.44° (approx. 50x50km²) First Focus on Africa High resolution ~0.11°x0.11° for Europe (by some institutions) July to September mean precipitation for 1998- 2008. Four observational (top row), accumulated 12-24 hour forecast from ERA- Interim reanalysis, the ensemble mean and individual Regional Climate Models Courtesy of C. Jones

14 Intercomparison of Models- Observations Coordinated with CMIP5 are parallel efforts to collect and make available observationally-based products Obs4MIPs Obs4MIPs is a pilot effort to improve the connection between data experts and scientists involved in climate model evaluation. It is closely aligned with CMIP5, with encouragement from the WGCM and WGNE. NASA and the U.S. DOE have initiated the project with significant contributions of appropriate NASA products. An overarching goal is to enable other data communities to contribute data to Obs4MIPs.

15 To enhance access to re-analyses products, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center is hosting a subset of the primary reanalysis data on the ESGF Portal in a similar format to the CMIP5 archive. This portal is managed by the NASA Center for Climate Simulation (NCCS). Participating organizations and products are; NASA-GSFC-GMAO/ MERRA NOAA-NCEP/ CFSR ECMWF/ ECMWF – Interim JMA/ JRA – 25 NOAA ESRL - CIRES/ 20CR Reanalysis of Observations

16 CMIP5 and CORDEX products are being served via a distributed archive managed by the PCMDI-led Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) Avoid single point failure Replication of heavily-used datasets Data can be made available readily and can be corrected locally. Data Nodes (at major international climate research centers) Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 Node 5 Data Portal Local copy of heavily- used data Model & expt. documentation Data Users (climate model analysts worldwide) Three Primary CMIP5 Data Portals) PCMDI Data Portal DKRZ Data Portal BADC Data Portal Three Primary Data Portals) Data Nodes (at major international climate research centers) Earth System Grid Federation

17 CMIP5 participating groups (20+ groups; ~40 models). 2.3Pbytes of model output expected - 100 times greater than CMIP3. Model outputs will be accessed through the Earth System Grid - data will be served by federated centers around the world and will appear to be a single PCMDI archive. The archive is available to all users, except commercial applications.. Earth System Grid Federation: Unprecedented International Coordination

18 WCRP Grand Science Challenges Provision of skillful regional climate information (includes decadal and polar predictability) Regional Sea-Level Variability and Change Cryosphere response to climate change (including ice sheets, water resources, permafrost and carbon) The interactions of clouds, aerosols, precipitation, and radiation and their contributions to climate sensitivity Past and future changes in water availability (with connections to water security and hydrological cycle) The prediction and attribution of extreme events

19 Stakeholders and User Perspective Urgent need for “actionable” climate information based on sound science The need for “symbiotic” relationship between providers and users of climate information to ensure climate information is timely, accessible, easy to understand Urgent need for training and development of “next generation” of scientists and decision makers who pursue and promote the use of actionable climate/environmental information

20 1day 1week 1month 1season 1year1 decade 1 century Seamless Prediction of Earth System Fronts Convec systems Cyclones Blocks MJO NAO QBOPDO ENSO AMO atmosphere ocean regionglobal skinupperfull land moisturevegetation atmospheric chemistry Ice sheets

21 Courtesy of UK MetOffice

22 Positive NAO phase Negative NAO phase Month – Seasons: The North Atlantic Oscillation 3-month running mean of NAO index 1950-date 1950 1967 1984 2001 Autocorrelation Lag 30d

23 Natural Decadal Variability Knight et al 2005, Parker et al 2007 Model Pacific Decadal Oscillation Observation Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation

24 June 1991June 2001 June 1995 Heat in top 100m ocean: Improvement in Skill from initialisation Prediction Skill on 1-10 Year Time- scale 1-2y3-4y 5-6y Hindcast predictions of 500m heat content in Atlantic sub-polar gyre UK JWCRP Courtesy of UK MetOffice

25 Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS)

26 Two Major Thrusts: Building Research Capacity in Developing Regions Empower Next Generation of Climate Scientists Plans and Priorities: Engaging regional experts in climate research, modeling analysis Promoting scientific exchange Train the Trainers Summer Schools Fellowships and Scholarships Mentoring Programs

27 Opportunities and Challenges; Quantify and communicate uncertainties in climate change information/knowledge; Develop seamless regional and intera-seasonal to inter-annual, and decadal climate prediction/projection; Support development of climate information for adaptation planning, mitigation policies, and assessing risks of climate variability and change; Support development, intercomparing and dcoumenting large scale data sets; Promote and enable timely, reliable, and easy to access climate information and knowledge; and Support education, training and development of next generation of climate experts and regional networks. Summary

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