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WHAT TO DO in case of a FIRE at Duncan Lake Middle School.

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT TO DO in case of a FIRE at Duncan Lake Middle School."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHAT TO DO in case of a FIRE at Duncan Lake Middle School

2 “ANYTIME” ……. a FIRE ALARM is sounded ……. Know what to do ……..

3 To help keep you …. SAFE …. Michigan requires schools each year to have the following safety drills …. 6 Fire Drills 2 Tornado Drills 2 Lock Down Drills To help us practice procedures so that we will know instinctively what to do in an emergency.

4 THAT IS WHY … Duncan Lake Middle School takes these drills seriously.

5 STUDENTS … Stop …. Listen … and follow your teacher’s directions “Walk” to your designated safe area in an orderly fashion Line up in a straight line “Listen quietly” for directions

6 Teachers, remember to … Bring your plastic crisis envelope with a current roster containing student names & phone numbers Turn off lights Close doors

7 … Teachers Take attendance and mark anyone who is not present Hold up a “GREEN” card if everyone is present or A “RED” card is someone is missing

8 TEAM LEADERS Remember to bring the safety backpack

9 In an unsupervised area like the hall or bathroom “Walk” quickly to the “CLOSEST” exit Find an adult

10 Crisis Contact Staff Make sure that your two-way radio is on the emergency setting Collect class lists of teachers with “RED” cards Use a two-way radio, “State your area”… “All Clear” Be sure to get a confirmation … if you don’t, repeat your message

11 WE NEED YOUR HELP to keep us SAFE Remain quiet and in a line throughout Wait for the signal to return to class “Walk Quietly” back to class so that you can hear directions

12 Once back in class …. Listen for directions - there may be a need for an emergency follow-up Debrief the drill Share ideas for improvement

13 Remember … Fires can start quickly Leave immediately when you hear an alarm Keep calm

14 At Home … avoid a disaster like these Plan, write and practice two ways out of each sleeping area. Designate a meeting place. Stay outside; call 911 from a cell phone or a neighbor’s house

15 Share with your family … Fire Safety Precautions Check your smoke detectors Know … – what to do if a door is hot – that smoke is dangerous – The … stop …drop … roll technique if your clothes are on fire

16 Teachers … email Mrs. Davis With your classroom’s suggestions and questions so that we can continue to get improve …. …. and thank you, students and staff, for keeping our school safe!


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