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ART ON A CART the basics. Joliet District 86 District 86 is located in Joliet, Il which is a southwestern suburb of Chicago with a population of approximately.

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Presentation on theme: "ART ON A CART the basics. Joliet District 86 District 86 is located in Joliet, Il which is a southwestern suburb of Chicago with a population of approximately."— Presentation transcript:

1 ART ON A CART the basics

2 Joliet District 86 District 86 is located in Joliet, Il which is a southwestern suburb of Chicago with a population of approximately 152,000 people. Joliet is the fourth largest city in Illinois and is considered the fastest growing. The community is diverse and thus we have a very diverse student population. Many of which are bi-lingual. Our pre-kindergarten through eighth grade district consists of four middle schools, fifteen elementary schools and an early childhood center.

3 Our Art Program In the 2008/2009 school year, five art specialists were hired to serve the 15 elementary schools in District 86. Each staff member teaches from 600-800 students. The program serves third through fifth grade and a few second grade classrooms. Although there are some art classrooms, most of our teaching is done from a cart. Art classes are held once per week. Art lessons which are taught on a cart are one hour and lessons with an art room are forty five minutes.

4 Today we will discuss: How to personalize the cart to meet your needs Mobilizing and organizing materials and supplies How to use tempera or watercolor paint when on a cart traveling to classrooms How to clean without a sink The best ways to cooperate with classroom teachers Finding storage for materials in the school How to establish rules and procedures as a traveling teacher in another teacher’s classroom

5 We will also answer any questions you have at the end of our presentation We hope you learn some helpful tips, add your own insight and enjoy! Today we will discuss:

6 Product Number Dimensio ns Co lo r Pack Case Case Weigh t Case Cube Mod Pack 5805BE- PN 40 3/8" x 25" x 37" H Be ig e 1 72.15 lbs 5.86 5805GY- PN 40 3/8" x 25" x 37" H Gr ey 1 72.15 lbs 5.86 Quartet® Tabletop Instant Easel® $11.99Each Start With the Right Cart!

7 Empty coffee containers Adhesive hooks Tie tape rolls to cart handle Baby wipe containers Clear candy containers or round baby wipe containers for brushes. Bulldog clips to hold things on cart. Ziploc storage bags. Clothes line with clips Plastic shoe boxes Copy box lids to sort colored paper Plastic plates for painting Ice cream containers (plastic) for small group supplies Poster board folded in ½ to organize flat class projects in the classroom with index card as tab filer. Magnetic clips to hang demonstrations/examples on white boards in the classroom. Brackets to hang things off the sides Organizing Tips for Your Cart:

8 Pack cart for morning class supplies/projects and then repack for afternoon classes. Block schedule is preferred if possible to make it easier for traveling to classrooms. Have desks group together to make sharing supplies easier. Mark all supplies with “Art” to identify your supplies for collection. Keep track of # of items to make sure supplies get returned. Empty coffee containers are great for clean and dirty brushes. I get enough brushes for each students (1/2 days worth) and clean them at lunch for next half of day. Kids don’t usually clean them well enough. If possible have instructions of lesson written out on paper or on power point to remind students what they are to be doing. Have fun with your cart. Decorate it, use as a display for student art, give it a name etc. Use every inch possible. A positive attitude will make those wheels roll with enthusiasm. LOCK your cart up when not using and lock supply storage cabinets.

9 You Can Do Anything! Never assume the student has it Bring extra!! Always plan extra work or a 2nd activity Consider size

10 Messy Projects Painting/watercolor – A place to dry – stations – 2 assignments at once – Limit colors - dixie cups Clay/Sculpture – A place to store – Individual supplies. – Limit time.

11 Creating a positive school community In other words, how to get along 6 Easy Steps to Getting Along 1st: Make friends with the school’s building engineer/ custodian. He is your lifeline to major clean-ups, water and paper towels. 2nd: Clearly communicate with your buildings principals. Understand how you fit in the building. Tell them your limitations and expectations at the beginning of the year. They maybe able to help you. Pick a good time and the right words. 3rd: Pick your battles with classroom teachers. They do not always want to share space. Ask where you can put things, don’t assume you have the right to space (even though you do). 4th: Privately consult with classroom teachers. Explain your expectations when you are teaching art to students and they will explain their expectations. Compromises. Do not have this discussion in front of the students. Miscommunications will lead to resentments and uncomfortable moments. 5th: Decorate. Create an artist culture in the school hallways. Show the school art is important. Teachers are constantly amazed at what their students can accomplish with the art teacher. If you can’t have your own classroom then claim the halls. Just make sure you ask permission from the principal ahead of time. Most of the time they encourage the display of student work. 6th: Allow in your budget for a couple of mobile drying racks. It is much easier to have a drying rack on wheels then looking for drying space in the halls or rooms.

12 Classroom Behavior & Expectations Establish and maintain classroom rules and procedures of your own Set goals/rewards for classes that achieve your expectations Make consequences aware to the class and be consistent Keep a weekly/daily positive behavior chart, per class on display Delegate students to be in charge of passing and collecting all artwork and supplies

13 Classroom Behavior & Expectations Keep to your schedule – allow extra time to be prepared for your next class Maintain a strong rapport with your teachers Make time to converse with the classroom teacher as you are leaving their room – email if necessary Be reflective of your skills to manage and handle issues as they arise Log all concerns of behavior and referrals


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