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Humor at Work Survival Strategies DCFS Workshop Mary Kay Morrison

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Presentation on theme: "Humor at Work Survival Strategies DCFS Workshop Mary Kay Morrison"— Presentation transcript:

1 Humor at Work Survival Strategies DCFS Workshop Mary Kay Morrison


3 Stress and Your Brain There is mounting scientific evidence that suggests that too much stress has an negative impact. QUICK STRESS TEST You should see 2 dolphins. These dolphins appear similar when viewed by the average person. BUT--If you notice major differences, you probably need to get an mental health evaluation. Shut your eyes –take a deep breath ….

4 Choosing………

5 Mouse Droppings Research Causes Cancer in Mice

6  Physical symptoms  Emotional symptoms Excess Stress Shrinks the hippocampus (Sapolsky research) Severe Chronic Stress Kills…… The Impact of Severe Stress

7 Denial is Common!

8 Peaceful BrainAnxious, worried, depressed Thanks to Dr. Earl Henslin, “Your Brain on Joy” for permission to print these! Anxiety, depression and stress can be seen in brain scans.

9 Coping Theory ① Problem Focused Coping- You have control ② Emotion Focused Coping- You have no control Cognitive Effective Shift-restructure the way we think……. Paul McGhee; Humor the Lighter Path to Resilience and Health


11 Wired for Joy Laurel Mellin WHEN stuck in stress; we often make bad choices. ☺ ingest ☺ inject ☺ purchase We create joy by choice not by chance.

12 12 10. Plants memories 9. Grows coping skills 8. Cultivates Energy 7. Captures attention 6. Neutralizes stress 5. Top Characteristic valued in a worker 4. Enhances creativity 3. Facilitates communication 2. Supports the change process 1. Free and Fun! Handout # 1

13 13 Humorphobia: The Fear of Fun, Laughter and Humor Fear of Punishment Fear of Loss of Control Fear of Inadequacy Fear of Being Made Fun of Fear of Looking Silly Fear of Loss of Work Time Humorphobia

14 14 Humordoomers; people who use negative humor to control and manipulate others Humorphobia breeds humordoomers, skilled crafters who use subtle techniques to suppress humor in the workplace. Humordoomers are usually unhappy individuals stressed by the duel demands of accountability and limited time constraints. The humordoomer is a pessimistic leach, who can suck the humergy right out of you. Grown in a petrie dish of fear and anger, they are threatened by joyful energy and enthusiasm.


16 16 Inappropriate Humor When the impact is hurtful, the humor is usually inappropriate, even if the intent is not so.. Intent Impact


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