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We are excited to Welcome you to Park View Middle School!

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Presentation on theme: "We are excited to Welcome you to Park View Middle School!"— Presentation transcript:

1 We are excited to Welcome you to Park View Middle School!

2 Class of 2014-2015 We are excited to Welcome you to Park View Middle School! We hope we can answer some questions for you here! Our 819 API and four consecutive years of academic growth is just the start! We are proud of our Career and College Readiness Pathways!

3 High Expectations! Park View has the highest API of our Secondary Schools and four years of consecutive growth: 2012-20132011-20122010-20112009-2010 PVMS API Scores Schoolwide 819800 787761 Hispanic 790779 747708 White 835818 811792 Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 792756 730703 English Learners 730693 703652 Students with Disabilities 664572 585

4 High Expectations! Park View had the highest percentage of students scoring advanced or proficient on every testable area of the California Standards Test! Math Acceleration Pathway Math Acceleration Pathway YHS April 8 th 6:00 P.M. YHS April 8 th 6:00 P.M. Honors Option Honors Option Spanish 1 Spanish 1 Pathway Alignment with YHS Pathway Alignment with YHS

5 Park View is Fun and Nurturing California Junior Scholastic Federation Alive Builders Club Lunch Time Activities Lunch Friendship Club Dances Relay for Life Music in the quad Odyssey of the Mind Girls Math Science Field Trip Sports Renaissance Fair School Plays AVID College Trips

6 Park View is a Safe Campus! 1. We have had a very low number of suspensions. 2. Cameras throughout campus. 3. Campus Monitors circulating at all times during the school day. 4. Visibility is top priority for Administration. 5. After school options with adult supervision.

7 “What happens if my child is bullied?” We are a Clean Sweep school. Student Empowerment: Reporting Verbalizing with adult support Positive Behavior Support One to one meetings Student Surveys Morning “Shout outs!” There is a bullying reporting email address

8 Questions From Students Can you PLEASE put me in a class with my best friend? Are the 6th graders going to have class with the 7th graders? Are the 7th graders going to have class with the 8th graders ? Do we have homework every single night? How many teachers are we going to have? Are the bathrooms clean? Are the classes going to be fun? Are the kids allowed to look at their phones for math? Are we going to see the 6th graders at all?

9 Middle School=Explore a Pathway Leadership (Student Council) Yearbook College Readiness: AVID STEM: Project Lead The Way Guitar, Drama, Spanish, Band Digital Media Art, Computers, Music Athletic Conditioning/ Beginning Human Anatomy

10 YHS Academies

11 2014-2015 Elective Offerings Yearbook- Year Long Yearbook- Year Long STEM- Project Lead the Way STEM- Project Lead the Way Band Band Intro to Spanish Intro to Spanish Digital Media Digital Media AVID-Advancement Via Individual Determination AVID-Advancement Via Individual Determination Wheel: Technology, Art, Music, Middle School Prep Wheel: Technology, Art, Music, Middle School Prep Intro to Anatomy and Athletic Conditioning (S) Intro to Anatomy and Athletic Conditioning (S) Leadership: Activities and Current Events (S) Leadership: Activities and Current Events (S)

12 School Time School will begin at 8:20 A.M. Dismissal 2:50 P.M. Gates to Open at 7:15 A.M. Gates to Open at 7:15 A.M. First Bell 8:15 A.M. First Bell 8:15 A.M. Nutrition Break-Second Chance Breakfast Nutrition Break-Second Chance Breakfast Lunch Lunch Dismissal Dismissal After School: Tutoring, Clubs, Library Access After School: Tutoring, Clubs, Library Access Teen Center Possibility Teen Center Possibility

13 Intervention Study Skills Universal Screening Math Intervention English Language Arts Intervention After School Intervention Saturday School

14 Questions From Students Do they have good food? Do we get to have computer lab and how long is our lunch? Also, what are our electives? Do we get lockers? Do we get to go on field trips? How long are the Periods? How long is the lunch? How long do we have to get to other periods?

15 Middle School= Simply Moving Up One Grade We encourage you to talk to your children about the move. Engage in positive dialogue with them. Students are excited! Channel that excitement in positive ways! Mr. Tucci’s biggest pet peeve!

16 “After school programs, are there any?” Programs usually begin after Labor day. This year we have: Odyssey of the Mind Odyssey of the Mind California Junior Scholastic Federations California Junior Scholastic Federations Builders Club Builders Club Homework center in library Homework center in library English Intervention English Intervention Mountain Bike Club Mountain Bike Club I have never turned away a proposal! I have never turned away a proposal!

17 Physical Education Class You have to dress out each day. You have to dress out each day. Students will have a locker. Students will have a locker. Teachers will give you a lock. Teachers will give you a lock. Don’t worry if you forget your combination. Don’t worry if you forget your combination. Students report to the blacktop for roll. Students report to the blacktop for roll. After roll, go change in locker room, report back out for instructions. After roll, go change in locker room, report back out for instructions. Adult supervision at every moment. Adult supervision at every moment.

18 Physical Education Class You can purchase your PE clothes during the first week of school. You can purchase your PE clothes during the first week of school. PE clothes are $20 for tops and bottoms PE clothes are $20 for tops and bottoms You can reuse your clothes from last year, you can reuse your older siblings clothes. You can reuse your clothes from last year, you can reuse your older siblings clothes. Shorts Color: Navy Shorts Color: Navy Shirt Color: Gray Shirt Color: Gray

19 Scaffolds: ABI/School Fusion/ Agenda Binders We provide them to each student. We may ask for a small donation for the agenda binder next year. They help with a common language between teachers for students. Help students stay organized. Keeps parents informed. It is a common thing that all stakeholders can refer to.

20 How does the transition move on from here? I will visit each 6 th grade classroom from our feeder schools. We will be arranging a student visit day to Park View later this year for Ridgeview, Dunlap and Chapman Heights! Students will walk the campus, ask questions and meet with staff/students. We will be speaking to them about We will be speaking to them about electives, classes and registration forms. electives, classes and registration forms.

21 Immunizations Get your TDAP Shots; there is a cut off date.

22 What if I change my mind? On Line Update until the end of June. On Line Update until the end of June. What’s Next? Schedule Pick-Up planned for days before school. Schedule Pick-Up planned for days before school. Purchase PE Clothes on Schedule Pick-Up day. Purchase PE Clothes on Schedule Pick-Up day.

23 “Can we circulate around campus today ?” Please walk around and familiarize yourself with the school. Please walk around and familiarize yourself with the school. Teachers will be in a their rooms and can answer any questions you may have. Teachers will be in a their rooms and can answer any questions you may have.

24 “Is there help to find your classes?” There will be plenty of adults around to ask for help to find your class. There will be plenty of adults around to ask for help to find your class. The adults here really do care about kids! We will help you. The adults here really do care about kids! We will help you.

25 Creating a Sense of Belonging “Do I belong?” This is one of the biggest concerns students have in almost every grade level. The adults at Park View are here to give students proof every day that this is the right place for them each day.

26 Remember that…….. Middle School is a time to : Explore your interests. Learn from your successes and failures. Learn that we are more alike than we are different. Encourage dialogue creating a relationship between a child and their school.

27 Remember that…….. Park View Middle School is staffed with caring, student-centered adults who want to make the middle school experience a positive one for all of our kids!

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