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Safety. Most shop accidents are caused by Not acting in an appropriate manner Messing/ fooling/ clowning/ horsing around This is not Gym class.

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Presentation on theme: "Safety. Most shop accidents are caused by Not acting in an appropriate manner Messing/ fooling/ clowning/ horsing around This is not Gym class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety

2 Most shop accidents are caused by Not acting in an appropriate manner Messing/ fooling/ clowning/ horsing around This is not Gym class

3 Plan Ahead What is going to happen if you do what you are planning on doing? If the bolt comes loose, will you smash your hand? Will the part fall? If you drill through that part, will you drill into something important, like your hand? If you set the engine down, will you hit something?

4 Equipment Powered equipment and tools Get instruction Don’t use if you’re not comfortable One person at a time operating Leave that person ALONE

5 Eye injuries Very common Can result in loss of sight Almost completely avoidable You MUST wear safety glasses in the shop area

6 In case of eye injury Do not remove large objects stuck IN your eye. Flush out small objects on the surface of your eye and chemicals with the eye wash station

7 Jewelry DON’T WEAR JEWELRY IN THE SHOP Rings can conduct electricity and get hooked on things. Watches conduct, get snagged and can be easily damaged Necklaces dangle into moving parts and can pull you in Earrings can get hooked

8 Loose Clothing and hair Always tie back long hair Roll up loose sleeves Long hair and loose clothes can pull you into moving machinery.

9 Keep a clean work environment Parts on the floor can be tripped over Spills cause slips Greasy tools cause hand injuries Tools everywhere can fall on you, short out a circuit and generally make it hard to work

10 Liquid spills All types of fluids can leak out. In case of liquid on the ground, wipe up with shop rags.

11 Try to prevent spills If you know a liquid is going to leak out, put a drain pan or shop rag under it.

12 You should have permission to run the engines in the backroom You should not be playing anything in the back Always announce when you are turning the engine on for any reason

13 Small fires are not uncommon It is very easy to start a fire in the shop It is very important not to panic Always tell the instructor first Do not try to put out the fire with your hands and feet. Do not pull the fire alarm

14 Do not use a fire extinguisher unless it’s absolutely necessary Fire extinguishers make a huge mess They need to be refilled after use Their use will have to be explained to people who really don’t like fires in the building. Use a fire extinguisher only if a teacher is not available or if the fire is threatening to go out of control.

15 Gasoline Only use gasoline in the fuel tank Never use it for cleaner, starting fluid, or solvent Gasoline fumes are much more flammable than liquid Burns are incredibly painful. Treat gas with respect

16 Electricity Batteries contain lead and acid They are heavy and can crush fingers and toes when dropped Batteries can not electrocute you, but… electricity can be dangerous Electricity can heat things to red hot and that can burn you badly You can create a dangerous spark or a short

17 Being where we can see you Do not go wandering around the shop Excessive pass use and time out cause us to have to look for you when I should be monitoring the class

18 If you can’t be safe You will be removed from class for a time reflecting the infraction Malicious acts with the intent to hurt someone or something will result in your permanent removal Bookwork may be assigned to make up lost shop points

19 If you have doubts to your ability to behave safely… Get another class. We will do everything we can to get you into a class where you will not hurt anybody if you can’t behave in a safe manner.

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