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September 12, 2012 Presented at: National Institutes of Health, Project Management Community Monthly Meeting, Bethesda, MD Agile Project Management and.

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Presentation on theme: "September 12, 2012 Presented at: National Institutes of Health, Project Management Community Monthly Meeting, Bethesda, MD Agile Project Management and."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 12, 2012 Presented at: National Institutes of Health, Project Management Community Monthly Meeting, Bethesda, MD Agile Project Management and the Management of Change Will Agile Help My Organization Achieve Performance Excellence?

2 2  How Agile project management differs from traditional project management  How to prepare the organization for Agile and performance agility  Key success factors for using Agile with integrated project teams (IPTs) Will Agile Help My Organization Achieve Performance Excellence AGENDA

3 3 Steve Ziegler Traditional views of Agile from the Software Development Perspective How Agile Project Management Differs from Traditional Project Management

4 4 Agile Manifesto Individuals and interactions over processes and tools. Working software over comprehensive documentation. Customer collaboration over contact negotiation. Responding to change over following a plan. Agile Philosophies: Software Development

5 5 Your Project XP Kanban Scrum Agile Methods

6 6 Kanban Philosophies

7 7 Visualize Your Workflow

8 8 Agile Baby Steps

9 9 Cory McConnell Agile in the trenches: Using Agile to cope with constant change How to Prepare the Organization for Agile and Performance Agility

10 10  Most organizations have customers  Most organizations have too many customers  Organize the needs of our customers into products  Then, prioritize Have You Thought about Your Products? HOW TO PREPARE THE ORGANIZATION FOR AGILE AND PERFORMANCE AGILITY

11 11  Product? – It’s a thing that someone wants – It has an owner – It has a priority  Story? – It’s a requirement – It has a priority – It has a level of complexity Are We Speaking the Same Language? HOW TO PREPARE THE ORGANIZATION FOR AGILE AND PERFORMANCE AGILITY

12 12 ProductStoryTask COR Create Prioritize (Business) Assign PO Create Product Owner (PO) Create Prioritize (Business) Create Project Manager (PM) Prioritize (Business) Assign TL Create Technical Lead (TL) Assign Team Prioritize (Technical) Determine Complexity Update Progress Create Tech. Team Work Create Stakeholders Validate Is This Legal? HOW TO PREPARE THE ORGANIZATION FOR AGILE AND PERFORMANCE AGILITY

13 13 (Points Completed) ÷ (Given Length of Time) = Velocity  What are we working on? – The top priorities  When will it be finished? – Never – But we measure stories by points What Are We Doing? HOW TO PREPARE THE ORGANIZATION FOR AGILE AND PERFORMANCE AGILITY


15 15 Narayan Prasad Agile in the Program Management Office: Going Modular Key Success Factors for Using Agile with Integrated Project Teams (IPTs)

16 16  Traditional methods and IPTs  Transitioning to Agile – Key Factors  Transforming the IPT for Agility Organizing for Agility KEY SUCCESS FACTORS FOR USING AGILE WITH INTEGRATED PROJECT TEAMS (IPTS)

17 17 Making the Change to Agile: Reconstitute and Re-characterize

18 18 Preparing to Practice…

19 19 Success Factors

20 20 For more information visit Speaker Contact Information:  Stephen Ziegler –  Cory McConnell –  Narayan Prasad – For More Information, Contact…

21 Q&A


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