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6 TH GRADE PARENT NIGHT FACTS AND FIGURES 2015-2016 Alderwood Middle School.

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Presentation on theme: "6 TH GRADE PARENT NIGHT FACTS AND FIGURES 2015-2016 Alderwood Middle School."— Presentation transcript:

1 6 TH GRADE PARENT NIGHT FACTS AND FIGURES 2015-2016 Alderwood Middle School

2 Building Initiatives Comprehension, problem solving, critical thinking and analysis in the content areas (English, Math, Social Studies and Science) Students are academically and socially connected to Alderwood Middle School Minute to minute strategies for accurately assessing student performance and communicating results Producing citizens for the 21 st Century – working together on relevant topics while giving students access to technology – i.e. Google Chromebooks

3 Mustang P.R.I.D.E Prepared Responsible Independent Dedicated to Safety Empathetic ICUs awarded for PRIDEful behavior Emphasizes correct behavior in a variety of settings Based on AMS Creed: Succeed academically, respect ourselves and others, and create a safe environment

4 School Day 6 periods (Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Health/PE and an elective or support class) 55 minutes each 3 Lunches; 30 minutes each  15 min. eating in cafeteria, then dismissed for social activities 8:00 start – 2:30 finish 5 min. passing periods

5 Class Presentations Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying  Don’t be a bystander  Practice P.R.I.D.E  Confidential  Filling out reports/witness statements Appropriate Use of the Internet/Facebook/Texting  Think before you post/send/search  Anything you send can be saved  Can have career and school ramifications  Using Chromebooks for academic reasons

6 Chromebooks 1:1 - for use at home and school Google Apps for Education  Gmail  Google Drive Damage and Loss Program  $30 fee, $10 if you qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch Students must keep the computer in their bags Report damage right away Teachers can push out/collect assignments, email, etc.

7 After School Clubs ($8 ASB Card required)  ASB – Core Council, etc.  National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)  Yearbook  Technology Student Association  Cooking, Art, Photography, Weight Training, Soccer Club, etc. Study Club and Study Table offered after school  Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays until 3:05  Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Study Tables until 4:05  Study Club bus sign-ups in office; first come, first served  Dropped off at location close to normal bus stop

8 Interscholastic Sports Edmonds is in the SnoKing League with Mukilteo and Shoreline Sports include:  Fall – 8 th Grade Football, Cross-Country, Girls Fastpitch  Winter 1 – Volleyball and Boys Basketball  Winter 2 – Girls Basketball and Wrestling  Spring – Track and Field Sports buses take students home after practice at 4:30pm; practice is every school day Paperwork is located on the AMS website

9 Student Recognition Honor Garden – citizenship, devotion to learning Honor Roll Recognition Party and Certificate On-A-Roll Certificate ICU Slips – Weekly Drawings and Daily Awards Lunchtime announcements Morning announcements Students of the Month End of the Year Awards – 8 th Grade  Department Awards  Overall Athlete, Musician, Citizen, etc.

10 Rules and Expectations Attendance  Call into the attendance office if your child is going to be late or absent from school  VERY IMPORTANT! Can result in court consequences Hats and Hoods  They may be worn TO school but not IN school Electronics  iPods, cell phones, etc. concealed when entering until 2:30  Not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen items Computers  Used for academic use only; leave in the computer bag

11 Rules and Expectations cont… Cafeteria  Seated for first 15 minutes then….Wii, Library, Basketball, etc. Buses  Stay seated, school rules still apply… Backpacks  Students are permitted to carry string backpacks to their classes  Students need to use their lockers – gym and regular Tardies  5 minutes to get to class, 3 tardies in one quarter = detention

12 Parent Nights and Events Curriculum Night – September Music Festivals in Winter and Spring Love and Logic – Parenting Classes Grief and Loss Group Barnes and Noble Night Talent Show Multicultural Dinner Monthly meetings with the Principal Community Coffees – Admin. can come to you

13 Emergency Info/Communication Please use school office to contact students, not student cell phones Communication is essential  Please make sure your information is current “Big Mouth” Robocalls and Emails  If you haven’t been receiving phone calls or emails, please let us know AMS Website Newsletters Teacher Websites Skyward Notices

14 Tips for Success Stay off or highly supervise, Facebook, texting  60% of problems at school have technology origins Call and/or email your teachers, counselors, admin. Review planner or calendar  Student Handbook  Calendar, stay organized Encourage Schedule working at Study Club, Study Table Give a time and place for homework Check Skyward  Counseling office can help support Be involved  Communicate and link with teachers  Ask your child for a daily report

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