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11 If you were plowing a field, which would you rather use? Two oxen, or 1024 chickens? (Attributed to S. Cray) Abdullah Gharaibeh, Lauro Costa, Elizeu.

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Presentation on theme: "11 If you were plowing a field, which would you rather use? Two oxen, or 1024 chickens? (Attributed to S. Cray) Abdullah Gharaibeh, Lauro Costa, Elizeu."— Presentation transcript:

1 11 If you were plowing a field, which would you rather use? Two oxen, or 1024 chickens? (Attributed to S. Cray) Abdullah Gharaibeh, Lauro Costa, Elizeu Santos-Neto and Matei Ripeanu Netsyslab The University of British Columbia

2 2 The ‘Field’ to Plow : Graph processing 1.4B pages, 6.6B links 1B users 150B friendships 100B neurons 700T connections

3 3 Graph Processing Challenges Data-dependent memory access patterns Caches + summary data structures Large memory footprint >256GB CPUs Poor locality Low compute-to- memory access ratio Varying degrees of parallelism (both intra- and inter- stage)

4 4 The GPU Opportunity Data-dependent memory access patterns Caches + summary data structures Large memory footprint >256GB CPUs Poor locality Assemble a hybrid platform Massive hardware multithreading 6GB! GPUs Low compute-to- memory access ratio Caches + summary data structures Varying degrees of parallelism (both intra- and inter- stage)

5 5 YES WE CAN! 2x speedup (4 billion edges) Motivating Question Can we efficiently use hybrid systems for large-scale graph processing ?

6 66  Performance Model  Predicts speedup  Intuitive Totem  A graph processing engine for hybrid systems  Applies algorithm-agnostic optimizations Partitioning Strategies  Can one do better than random? Evaluation  Partitioning strategies  Hybrid vs. Symmetric Methodology A Yoke of Oxen and a Thousand Chickens for Heavy Lifting Graph Processing, PACT 2012 On Graphs, GPUs, and Blind Dating: A Workload to Processor Matchmaking Quest, IPDPS 2013

7 77 Totem: Compute Model Bulk Synchronous Parallel  Rounds of computation and communication phases  Updates to remote vertices are delivered in the next round  Partitions vote to terminate execution......

8 8 Totem: Programming Model  A user-defined kernel runs simultaneously on each partition  Vertices are processed in parallel within each partition  Messages to remote vertices are combined if a combiner function is defined msg_combine msg_combine_func

9 9 Target Platform 9 Intel Nehalem Fermi GPU Xeon X5650 Tesla C2075 (2x sockets) (2x GPUs) Core Frequency 2.67GHz1.15GHz Num HW-threads 12448 Last Level Cache 12MB2MB Main Memory 144GB6GB Memory Bandwidth 32GB/sec144GB/sec

10 10 Use Case: Breadth-first Search Graph Traversal algorithm Very little computation per vertex Sensitive to cache utilization Level 1 Level 0 5 2 9 4 1010100010 Visited bit-vector

11 11 BSF Performance 11 Workload: scale-28 Graph500 benchmark (|V|=256m, |E|=4B) 1S1G = 1 CPU Socket + 1 GPU Limited GPU memory prevents offloading more Linear improvement with respect to offloaded part Can we do better than random partitioning?

12 12 BSF Performance 12 Workload: scale-28 Graph500 benchmark (|V|=256m, |E|=4B) 1S1G = 1 CPU Socket + 1 GPU Computation phase dominates run time

13 13 Workload-Processer Matchmaking Observation: Real-world graphs have power- law edge degree distribution Idea: Place the many low-degree vertices on GPU Place the few high-degree vertices on CPU Log-log plot of edge degree distribution for LiveJournal social network Many low degree vertices Few high degree vertices

14 14 BSF performance 14 Workload: scale-28 Graph500 benchmark (|V|=256m, |E|=4B) 1S1G = 1 CPU Socket + 1 GPU 2x performance gain! LOW: No gain over random! Exploring the 75% data point Specialization leads to superlinear speedup

15 15 Host is the bottleneck in all cases! BSF performance – more details HIGH leads to better load balancing

16 16 PageRank: A More Compute Intensive Use Case 16 Workload: scale-28 Graph500 benchmark (|V|=256m, |E|=4B) 1S1G = 1 CPU Socket + 1 GPU LOW: Minimal gain over andom! Better packing 25% performance gain!

17 17 Same Analysis, Smaller Graph (scale-25 RMAT graphs: |V|=32m, |E|=512m) 17 BFS PageRank  Intelligent partitioning provides benefits  Key for performance: load balancing

18 18 Worst Case: Uniform Graph (not scale free) 18 BFS on scale-25 uniform graph (|V|=32m, |E|=512m) Hybrid techniques not useful for uniform graphs

19 19 Scalability: BFS 19 S = CPU Socket G = GPU Hybrid offers ~2x speedup vs Symmetric GPU memory is limited, GPU share < 1% of the edges! Comparable to top 100 in Graph500 challenge!

20 20 Scalability: PageRank 20 Hybrid offers better gains for more compute intensive algorithms S = CPU Socket G = GPU

21 21 Summary Problem: large-scale graph processing is challenging –Heterogeneous workload – power-law degree distribution Solution: Totem Framework –Harnesses hybrid systems – Utilizes the strengths of CPUs and GPUs –Powerful abstraction – simplifies implementing algorithms for hybrid systems –Partitioning – workload to processor matchmaking –Algorithms – BFS, SSSP, PageRank, Centrality Measures

22 22 Questions code@:

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