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WELCOME CLASS OF 2017! Freshman Orientation September 2, 2013 “Soaring to new heights.”

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2 WELCOME CLASS OF 2017! Freshman Orientation September 2, 2013 “Soaring to new heights.”

3 A day in the 9 th grade ……

4 To RHS School starts at 7:30!

5 Freshman Academy Counselor Mrs. Teri Bates

6 Other members of the School Counseling Department: Director: Dr. Nate Grosshandler Counselors for Grades 10-12: A-E: Mr. Moscaritolo F-N: Mrs. Ivanciu O-Z: Ms. Cakici SAC: Mrs. Sutton You can find us in the “B” hallway on the first floor (across from the main office) We are here to help you! No problem is too big or too small!

7 The First Day of High School! Meeting your teachers Navigating the building Understanding expectations Lockers School Supplies ID Cards Internet access info Lots of parent forms Friends!!!

8 Daily Schedule 7:30-2:15 English History Math Science World Language PE or Health Elective And Lunch!

9 High School Success is as easy as ABC Attendance: Come to school on time, every day, as long as you are physically able to. Behavior: Follow school rules. Class Assignments: Turn in all assignments on time; be well- prepared for tests and quizzes.

10 Expect to have homework each day 4 Steps: Write it down Take it home Get it done Bring it back Do the math: 100% A+ average on tests and quizzes + 0 % average on homework = 50/F

11 Organization is the KEY to academic success

12 Strange but true… The more involved you are in high school activities, the better your grades will be.

13 Lots to choose from…something for everyone More than 25 clubs and 24 clubs open to 9 th graders

14 Don’t make me nag you about it!

15 Honor Roll/High Honor Roll National Honor Society Key Club PALS T.E.A.M. Teen Institute TATU KEYS TO SUCCESS: Be Organized Do All your homework Study for tests/quizzes Participate in activities

16 National Honor Society Criteria for Acceptance ScholarshipCharacter Service and Leadership

17 Scholarship Students who are in the top 20% of their class at the end of their sophomore year are eligible to apply. The guidance director will certify this qualification.

18 Character Positive aspects of character include honesty, responsibility, cooperation, and general good citizenship. Criteria will be determined through disciplinary records.

19 Character Students with documented infractions of cheating, drug abuse, parking infractions, or any other breaches in discipline that result in detention, school suspension, etc. will not qualify for membership. An assistant principal will verify this information. Records will be reviewed from the beginning of freshman year.

20 Service and Leadership The criteria of service and leadership are defined in terms of performance in school and community activities. Students are required to be involved in at least 3 school activities totaling 50 hours.

21 Service and Leadership Students must also complete 100 hours of community service. This service must be done during your own time. You must give of yourself. A list of acceptable community service hours are posted on Raritan’s National Honor Society webpage.

22 Service and Leadership Candidates must submit a sign-off sheet to the National Honor Advisor prior to our December break. This sign off will list the activities and signatures of advisors of clubs, and will have letters of community service attached to it.

23 Essay Candidates must complete an essay on service, leadership, character and scholarship. The essay must follow the rubric and be submitted with the application.

24 Information for Freshmen and Sophomores You must be in the top 20% of your class at the end of your sophomore year. You must complete 100 hours of community service. You must have a variety of service and volunteer for a non-profit organization. A list of acceptable community service hours are posted on Rartian’s NHS webpage. You must participate in 3 activities at RHS for a total of 50 hours. Your discipline record must be clear.

25 Not like Vegas… What happens on the bus gets reported to administration.

26 Your future starts today!

27 Principal of Raritan High School Mr. William Smith

28 Assistant Principal Mrs. Pamela Massimini Grades 10 & 12

29 Assistant Principal Mr. Robert Generelli Grades 9 & 11 Freshman Academy Administrator

30 Freshman Academy Location of Classes: English, social studies, science, and world language classes are located upstairs. Math, electives, physical education, and lunch are downstairs.

31 Why? Reduce anxiety and travel time between most classes, avoiding tardiness to class. (We have a four-minute passing time!) Assists with planning and implementing programs geared specifically to the freshman class.

32 Student – Parent Handbook The handbook is located online on the Raritan High School webpage. Lots of questions will be answered there:

33 ? What can and can’t I wear to school? What happens to me if I am bullied or if I am a bully? When is our next day off? When does school start if there is a delayed opening? What happens if I’m absent? What happens if I’m late to school? To class? What classes do I NEED in order to graduate? What happens if I … ?

34 What if you want to leave your class to go somewhere … anywhere -- YOU NEED TO HAVE AN OFFICIAL PASS THAT STATES THE DESTINATION, DATE, TIME, AND HAS YOUR TEACHER’S SIGNATURE.

35 What’s a cut of class? Going anywhere WITHOUT your teacher’s permission during that period. Nurse Guidance office Main office Library Cafeteria Another classroom

36 What do we mean by “late?” If you arrive to 1 st period after the late bell rings at 7:30 a.m. you are considered late for school. (Lates to school lead to regular detentions.) If you are late to any other class, your teacher will mark you late. For every three (3) lates to class, a teacher detention is assigned. If you are late to class 10 minutes or more you will lose credit for the class that day.

37 20 Day Absence Limit If you are absent more than 20 days in a full year course, you lose credit. (10 days for a semester course.) This INCLUDES being sick, doctor’s visits, vacations, and suspensions. Credit is assessed on a period by period basis. Beware of coming in late or going home early! Loss of credit = take the course over again next year … no matter what your grade is!

38 OR Enroll in summer attendance school session! This will range from 10 – 40 hours during the summer, depending on number of hours over the limit and the type of course you have lost credit in.

39 Oh yeah … If I get directed to leave class and report to the office … ? That counts as an absence from that class! It would count as one of the twenty absences.

40 Lockers Each of you will get a hallway locker for books and coats. DO NOT share your locker or combination with anyone. (“Friend today …”) BRING a pad lock for your gym locker!

41 So what can’t I have in school? Weapons Water guns, playing cards, and/or toys See-through or revealing clothing Clothes advertising items not allowed in school HATS, bandanas, and/or sweatbands. i-Pods, MP-3 players, electronic devices are permitted in class with teacher permission only

42 But what am I going to do about my: Keep it off during school hours! You may use your phone in the cafeteria during YOUR lunch time only. Do not have it out for any other reason! Pictures are not allowed at ANY time! Tell your parents that YOU will get in trouble.

43 Misuse of electronic device: 1. You will be sent to the main office. 2. You will hand in your device. 3. You will be assigned detention and demerit points. Your PARENT or GUARDIAN ONLY must come in to pick up your phone. Not a brother or sister, etc. No exceptions!

44 Dress Code Standard: Being neat, clean and adequately clothed for school No revealing clothing No bare feet No studs No clothing with tobacco, drug, alcohol references or obscene language No hats, bandanas and sweatbands No coats or gloves during the school day.

45 What happens if I don’t dress appropriately for school? You will be sent or escorted to the office and assigned a consequence. You will call home to have appropriate attire brought in. You will not be allowed back to class until issue is rectified. Time from class(es) counts as an absence(s) from class!

46 Progressive Discipline 1 st Offense 2 nd Offense 3 rd Offense

47 Detentions (Must be served BY the date assigned!) Note: Consequences are assigned by the hours. Mornings are 30 minute increments 7:00 – 7:30 AM Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Afternoons are 60 minute increments 2:20 – 3:20 PM Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday

48 Demerit System In addition to the progressive disciplinary consequences, we have a demerit system. Each infraction is assigned a corresponding number of points. At certain totals, privileges are taken away: For a month For a marking period For two marking periods For the entire year.

49 What I should have in school: My textbooks A notebook … WITH paper Writing implements (pens) Homework assignments An attitude to succeed Maturity (You are now in high school.) Ideas to improve your school! Respect for Others

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