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Title Author First and Last Name(self) Partner (if needed)

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Presentation on theme: "Title Author First and Last Name(self) Partner (if needed)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Title Author First and Last Name(self) Partner (if needed)

2 THE LIFE OF (INNOVATOR’S NAME) An Introduction to

3 Introduction to (Innovator) Insert photo/drawing here Birth year – Death year (or write still alive) Cite Photo Credit here—be sure to use NOODLE Tools for Citation

4 Education Education Location (College/University and year of graduation) Most innovators went to several schools and taught at some Make sure your list is thorough Photo of at least one educational institution related to your innovator goes here. Photo Citation here

5 Awards/Offices/Achievement Awards Offices Held (Political or Society Offices/Titles) Listing of inventions (be sure to list all the inventions you will be discussing in your presentation along with others)

6 Additional Information Additional Slide you may want to add information important to your presentation not listed in earlier slides.

7 (INNOVATOR’S NAME) The 3 Most Important Inventions of

8 Invention #1 Name of Invention Explain what it is Why was it important What would we not have today if it was not for this invention? Photo Credit Photo /drawing of invention

9 Invention #2 Name of Invention Explain what it is Why was it important What would we not have today if it was not for this invention? Photo Credit Photo /drawing of invention

10 Invention #3 Name of Invention Explain what it is Why was it important What would we not have today if it was not for this invention? Photo Credit Photo /drawing of invention

11 Additional Inventions There may be other inventions you wish to add that are not the other three but are very important to science, 21 st century life, or technology.

12 Summary Why was this innovator a great contributor to science/math/engineering/computer/technol ogy? What is his/her greatest accomplishment What is something we would not have today without him/her?

13 Works Cited Use Font size 15 Roll the Works Cited as a Credit Animation You will likely need 2 or 3 slides The next Slide is an example

14 Works Cited Example Acceleration. Chart. New Physics at Work. Fall 2003. Oxford University Press. 15 Oct. 2006. Describing Motion with Diagrams. Chart. The Physics Classroom. Ed. Tom Henderson. Winter 2004. First in the World Consortium of Schools. 15 Oct. 2006. "Direction of Acceleration and Velocity." Chart. Multimedia Physics Studios. Ed. Tom Henderson. 30 June 1997. Glenbrook South Physics Teachers. 15 Oct. 2006.. Keene, Sue. Panther Racing Pit Stop. Photograph. 2004. May 2004. Pics4Learning. 2002. Tech4Learning, Inc. 15 Oct. 2006. Orbiter Enterprise Separates from NASA 747 Carrier. Photograph. 1977. NASA. Sept. 1977. NASA Digital Images. Ed. Allan Stilwell. 23 Dec. 2003. NASA. 15 Oct. 2006.

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