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Culture and Global Health Online Module NUR 215 Fall 2007.

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1 Culture and Global Health Online Module NUR 215 Fall 2007

2 Why study culture in nursing? Cultural minority populations 1990’s = 26% 2010 = 30% 2050 = 50%

3 Culture The collection of beliefs, values, behaviors, and practices shared by a group of people and passed from one generation to the next. –Learned from birth –Molded by environment –Guides thinking, decisions, and actions

4 Ethnocentrism The belief that one’s cultural, ethnic, or professional group is superior to that of others.

5 Stereotyping An expectation that all people within the same racial, ethnic, or cultural group act alike and share the same beliefs and attitudes. Usually results in labeling.

6 Acculturation vs. Assimilation Acculturation is the process of adapting to and adopting a new culture. Assimilation results when an individual gives up his or her ethnic identity in favor of the dominant culture.

7 Cultural Competence The process through which the nurse provides care that is appropriate to the client’s cultural context. The goal is to make healthcare more efficient and more effective.

8 Transcultural Nursing Focuses on the study and analysis of different cultures and subcultures with respect to cultural care, health beliefs and health practices, with the goal of providing health care within the context of the client’s culture. Leininger, M. (1978). Transcultural nursing: Concepts, theories, and practice. New York:Wiley.

9 Organizing Phenomena of Culture CommunicationSpace Social organization Time Environmental control Biological variations.

10 Communication The way by which one person interacts with another through written or oral language, gestures, facial expressions, and body language. Culture influences how feelings are expressed and the type of verbal and non- verbal expressions that are appropriate. Language, silence, eye contact

11 Communication With verbal communication, problems may occur because words have different meanings within different cultural contexts. Nonverbal communication consists of body language, the use of silence, and eye contact.

12 Space Culture usually determines the amount of social distance tolerated by a person. Diverse groups also have varying norms for use of touch. Touch may be perceived as invasive by clients from some cultures.

13 Time Orientation Past or Present or Future oriented If past oriented, may value tradition and the way they have always done things. May be reluctant to try new procedures. If present oriented, tend to focus on the here and now. May be relatively unconcerned with the future, deal with it when it comes.

14 Social Organization Refers to the ways in which groups determine rules of acceptable behavior and roles of individual members. Family may assume greater importance than the individual in many cultures. –Example: In Native American tribes, the extended family is the basic family structure.

15 Social Organization Gender roles vary according to cultural context. Some cultures have very distinct roles for male vs. female. Religious beliefs also influence a person’s response to major events such as birth, illness, and death.

16 Environmental Control Refers to the relationships between people and nature and to a person’s perceived ability to control activities of nature Definition of Health Causative Factors of Illness

17 Biologic Variations Dietary Practices/Preferences Increased Susceptibility to disease

18 Application of Cultural Phenomena to Nursing Care See Culture Group Handout on website.

19 Providing Culturally Sensitive Care Self-Awareness – Need to recognize own stereotypes, biases, and prejudgments about clients who are culturally different. Nonjudgmental Attitude is essential in providing culturally sensitive care. Education must be relevant to client’s needs and provided in culturally sensitive manner.

20 Culturally Sensitive Teaching Guidelines See Cultural Teaching Handout on website.

21 Global Health Organizations United Nations (UN) World Health Organization (WHO) United Nation’s Children’s Fund (UNICEF) International Council of Nurses (ICN)

22 United Nations (UN) To maintain international peace and security To foster international cooperation in solving economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian problems and in promoting respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms To be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations in attaining these common ends

23 WHO Four major functions: 1.To give worldwide guidance in the field of health 2.To set global standards for health 3.To cooperate with governments in strengthening national health programs 4.To develop and transfer appropriate health technology, information and standards

24 UNICEF Primary objective is to provide support for the world’s most disadvantaged children without discrimination Major focus is worldwide problem of malnutrition

25 ICN Goals: –Bring nurses together worldwide –Advance nurses and nursing worldwide –Influence health policy (ICN’s Mission, Vision, and Vision for the Future of Nursing Statements)

26 Complete the following quiz to turn in as evidence of module completion. See link For Culture QUIZ On website.

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