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Values Values: collective ideas about what’s right or wrong; good or bad; desirable or undesirable by a particular culture.

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Presentation on theme: "Values Values: collective ideas about what’s right or wrong; good or bad; desirable or undesirable by a particular culture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Values Values: collective ideas about what’s right or wrong; good or bad; desirable or undesirable by a particular culture

2 Robin Williams Core American Values
Individualism = overarching value Value Clusters Achievement and success Activity and work Efficiency and practicality Science and progress Material comfort [Education 1975]

3 Robin Williams Core American Values
Value Cluster Equality and Equal Opportunity Democracy Freedom and liberty (free enterprise) Humanitarianism and morality [religiosity; romantic love 1975]

4 Robin Williams Core American Values
Contradictory Values Racism and group superiority (logical outcome of individualism) EQUITY strains -- change

5 American Values Emerging Values Leisure Self-fulfillment
Physical fitness Youthfulness Environmental concerns

6 Culture Strain Ideal -------real culture Culture Strains Cheating-- ex
Moral Holidays/Moral Holiday places Culture Wars


8 Symbols and Language Essential to Culture

9 Symbols anything which meaningfully represents something else
Creates shared meanings; powerful feelings  










19 Language set of symbols that expresses ideas and allows people to communicate Creates visual images SG: allows shared past, present and future Complex goal directed planning Cumulative human experience – can go beyond the immediate Shared and new perspectives

20 Sapir-Whorf Thesis language predisposes its People to think and perceive in certain ways, to shape reality by what we notice and how we designate:

21 Verbal – Oral and Written
Symbols grammar A,B,C structure/form Argot – specialized language insider status –”glues and excludes”

22 Non-Verbal Powerful Intentional or unintentional Visual cues
Verbal cues -tone, inflection Environment and context

23 Types of Non Verbal Communication
Symbolic Action powerful gestures EX. Black power salute 1968 draft card burning lynching bra burning at Miss America




27 Types of Non Verbal Communication
Body Language 1. Facial Expressions – universal Ekman BUT what triggers the emotion acceptable responses = cultural 2. gestures – relative, must be learned staring, eye contact 3. demeanor – tied to relative social power 4. dress






33 Key ideas - Hall Body language/non verbal language is LEARNED – by observation & imitation We learn what’s appropriate for gender, ethnicity, class, regions, race

34 “Non verbal communications signal to other members of your own group what kind of person you are, how you feel about others, how you’ll fit in and work in a group, whether you’re anxious, the degree to which you feel comfortable with the standards of your own culture as well as deeply significant feelings about the self…”

35 Non Verbal Communication -space
Space and proximity personal space distance needed for safety we react to invasion Intimate distance – w/in 18 “ – spouses, lovers, close friends “get out of my face! Personal distance – immediate area that one claims as private 18”-4’ Social distance – 4’-12’ formal relationships Public distance – over 12’


37 Contradictory Messages - paradox
Can’t decipher meaning – get two meanings or cues Must interpret cues to determine behavior or response Not the same a lack of clarity or misunderstanding Ex. flirting



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