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Toastmasters 12 October, 2010.  Significance  Definition and Understanding  Bad and Good practice.

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Presentation on theme: "Toastmasters 12 October, 2010.  Significance  Definition and Understanding  Bad and Good practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Toastmasters 12 October, 2010

2  Significance  Definition and Understanding  Bad and Good practice


4 Facial expression Gestures Whole body movement

5  Start with eye contact  Smile  Avoid distracting mannerisms  Stay tune to your personality  Make gesture convincing  Vary your position


7 Loud enough to be heard Clear enough to be understood Expressive enough to be interesting Pleasing enough to be enjoyable

8 VolumePitch/Tone RateQuality

9  Don’t mumble, articulate

10  Bill had a billboard. Bill also had a board bill. The board bill bored Bill, So Bill sold his billboard And paid his board bill. Then the board bill No longer bored Bill, But though he had no board bill, Neither did he have his billboard!

11 Amidst the mists and coldest frosts, With stoutest wrists and loudest boasts, He thrusts his fists against the posts, And still insists he sees the ghosts.

12  Don’t mumble but articulate  Vary your tone  Pause  Avoid Um/Ahs and other crutches  Use breathing

13  Communication is not a choice.  Practice makes perfect!


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