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ESP Evidence of Teacher & Student Learning Template Partnership Name Unit Title Unit designers (add a photo in the box to the left) 2007 Empire State Partnerships.

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Presentation on theme: "ESP Evidence of Teacher & Student Learning Template Partnership Name Unit Title Unit designers (add a photo in the box to the left) 2007 Empire State Partnerships."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESP Evidence of Teacher & Student Learning Template Partnership Name Unit Title Unit designers (add a photo in the box to the left) 2007 Empire State Partnerships Evidence of Teacher & Student Learning Template

2 1 Background Description of the overall ESP Partnership including: School, Location Link to ESP (copy the link to your partnership page on the ESP website) Which art forms, how much, how often and for whom (This is more general than the information asked for on the next slide. Simplify the “Program Description & Art Instruction” sections from your ESP grant application) 2007 Empire State Partnerships Evidence of Teacher & Student Learning Template

3 2a Unit Goals and Inquiry Questions Scope of Unit Briefly -- Who designed this unit? For whom? What is the art form & the academic areas/ standards? What grade levels? What is the time frame? How much pre-planning time, and what did you do? (i.e. This unit was planned and implemented by Ms Frilly, Grade 3 teacher and the SIAS teaching artist, Ms. Paint, over a 5 week period in the spring. The unit sought to explore creating original stories --including setting, character and action-- through sequenced paintings and in writing. We planned this unit together during a one hour meeting at the beginning of the residency. We kept refining our plan through conversations between class sessions.) 2007 Empire State Partnerships Evidence of Teacher & Student Learning Template

4 Student Inquiry Question(s) Questions guiding the Unit Instructor Inquiry Question(s) What are you exploring? 2b Unit Goals and Inquiry Questions 2007 Empire State Partnerships Evidence of Teacher & Student Learning Template

5 Student Learning Goals for the Art Form: Standards addressed by the unit: Student Learning Goals for the Collaborating/ Academic Discipline Standards addressed by the unit: 2a Unit Goals and Inquiry Questions 2007 Empire State Partnerships Evidence of Teacher & Student Learning Template

6 3 Assessment Plan for Assessing Learning How are you going to gather and examine student responses to the inquiry question? How will you know if students’ learned what you set out to teach-- what are the opportunities for examining their process, their work, their thoughts? 1. List and describe the activities built into the unit that will provide opportunities to assess student learning and responses. Remember to frame these to address your Inquiry Question & Learning Goals. –These might include pre and post lists or tasks, observations by artist/teacher, performance tasks, surveys, portfolios, interviews, student-writings such as “how to’s”, KWL’s (what I know, what I want to find out, what I learned) … 2. Show samples of any tools that were used: rubrics, scoring guides, criteria/check lists, observational protocols, pre-and post- assessments/activities (blank or filled out). 2007 Empire State Partnerships Evidence of Teacher & Student Learning Template

7 4 How the Inquiry Question was Explored What was planned and how did the unit unfold? Describe the sequence of experiences for students. –This section is all about the methods; the activities designed by the teacher/artist team to meet the learning objectives. –This is a good place to drop in a unit plan/lesson plans; a description of the beginning, middle, and end of the unit; or a session by session outline as it occurred. ) –Could include a sequence of photos that give an overall feeling for the stages of the unit. 2007 Empire State Partnerships Evidence of Teacher & Student Learning Template

8 What was planned and how did the unit unfold? –Could include a sequence of photos that give an overall feeling for the stages of the unit, with descriptions alongside. This is one format… and you can select “ duplicate slide ” from the menu under “Insert ” on the tool bar, to add more pages like this. 4 How the Inquiry Question was Explored 2007 Empire State Partnerships Evidence of Teacher & Student Learning Template

9 Add Caption here 4 How the Inquiry Question was Explored 2007 Empire State Partnerships Evidence of Teacher & Student Learning Template

10 Add Caption here 4 How the Inquiry Question was Explored 2007 Empire State Partnerships Evidence of Teacher & Student Learning Template

11 5 Gallery of Student Outcomes Class Outcomes : What evidence do you have of whole class progress over time? Student Outcomes : What evidence do you have of individual student progress over time? –Organize samples of student work/outcomes paired with any assessment tools and descriptions of the learning. –Restate your Inquiry Question and Learning Goals. –Identify who is doing the assessing -- is this the student’s words? The teachers? The artists? Examples where all three perspectives can be shared describing the learning are especially rich. –See the last page 2007 Empire State Partnerships Evidence of Teacher & Student Learning Template

12 6 Reflections 1. What were some of the answers, discoveries to your own Inquiry Questions? 2. To what extent were your expectations, goals, standards, predictions achieved? 3. What findings, based on empirical evidence, can you report to others in the field? 4. What would you recommend to others about your learning, the artistic process, and the project’s results? Would you do anything differently the next time? 5. What do you wonder now? 2007 Empire State Partnerships Evidence of Teacher & Student Learning Template

13 Resources… one possible way of sampling student work for assessment-see the notes on next page One Child, Many Lessons One Lesson, Many Children Unit Title Student A Student BStudent C Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3

14 Resources… one possible way of sampling student work for assessment-see the notes box below The prior page is a graphic organizer describing one way to look at a sample of 3 students’ work over the course of a unit. Gather and layout the student work in this manner -- posting it on a wall, spreading it out on the floor or a big table, and include work samples from both the creative process/making and the classroom work. This works very well with visual art work, but could be adapted as a review structure for a combination of recorded performances/clips and accumulated student statements, writings or instructor observations. Revisit your unit inquiry questions and learning goals - before reviewing the work post these questions and goals somewhere visible to refer to. Using a structure like this, you can (looking across) examine the responses of multiple students to one lesson/activity (a useful way to evaluate your own teaching/lesson structure). And then you can examine individual student development (looking down the column), over time and the course of the unit. When presenting your results, explain how and why students were chosen - - did they represent a range of abilities, interests, experience? *Thanks to Studio in a School for sharing this sampling structure long used by its artists & partner teachers for reviewing student portfolios.

15 Resources… a few power point tips from a novice… You can freely add duplicates of any pages, especially if you need more room, by selecting Duplicate Slide from the Insert menu on the tool bar. You can also add a duplicate slide (to keep the color bar/topic the same) and then apply a new slide layout (if you want to import photos or charts alongside the text) by going to the Format menu and selecting Slide Layout. There are lots of options under there for organizing your information. I have included a few layout possibilities for adding photographs and text, especially inside Tab 4 (deep orange, telling your story). you can use these.. duplicate these to make more room... or delete them! You can also enlarge a photo/PDF you've added to a slide (drag the corner)... and delete any of the text boxes or other picture boxes... to make room for one big image. Have fun, invent, delete any pages you don’t need and add and create what you do! All best, Amy & Rob.

16 Resources… how to turn a document into an image To convert a Word document into a picture that you can insert into the power point, convert it to a PDF file. –(this is helpful if you want to show a whole page view of a rubric, a list of criteria, or piece of student writing) – For Mac computers, open the word document, select Print and look for the PDF button on the lower left corner of the print dialogue box. You can Save as a PDF -- or even Save as a PDF to your iphoto. You can now go to the Insert menu and select Picture, then From File and choose your.pdf file. You can also insert it into one of the page layouts with designated areas for pictures (these are boxes that say “click to insert picture”) which will let you choose your pdf file as well. –Now you can resize or crop the image to your liking.

17 Resources… how to insert a video clip To insert a video clip or sounds These could be clips of a dance performance, a group activity, or recorded student comments, teacher comments, or a musical performance. Go to the Insert tab, select Movies and Sound -- and choose how you’d like to import your files. Keep your clips as short or compressed as possible, as these can take up a lot of memory! There are Slide Layouts from the Format tab that you can choose to create spaces for Media Clips (which includes sound or film) Sound can be nice for accompanying a still photograph too.

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