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+ Visual Arts and History Shaina Streyle Standard 3.1 & 3.2.

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1 + Visual Arts and History Shaina Streyle Standard 3.1 & 3.2

2 + Art can be anything. But unlike writing it creates almost a looking glass affect. Look into a piece of art and you can see bits and pieces of a history past. Art you can see and experience emotions through color. Art is a very important part of history.

3 + Art Illuminates History and Reflects Culture Pablo Picasso’s Guarnica This painting depicts the devastating bombing of the little town of Guarnica during the Spanish cilvil war.

4 + Every Piece of Art has something to say of history. Many pieces incorporate actually history in their making, but many others or remnants of the time period in history illuminating the culture and historical happenings through their creation. Boston Massacre: Paul Revere depicts the brutal slaughter of the Boston citizens, but also has a lot of irony and symbolism throughout. The dream quilt, different patterns used to help prepare escaping slaves in the South.

5 + Art brings the history of old cultures and societal norms into view.

6 + Michael Angelo's paintings decorating the sistine chaples ceiling share the old age’s passion for religion, enlightenment, and for purely realistic forms.

7 + A canvas for the sorrows of a Nation. Berlin Wall, hosts thousands of depictions of Germany’s anger, wrath and sorrow involved with WW2. Mainly through graffiti art exposes emotions on this concrete “death strip”

8 + Cartoons Make politics spicy and open the eyes of the public to problems. Dr. Seuss a major political cartoonist for WW2

9 + Architecture another art, can bring to light historical beliefs as well as cultural clues to the past, as in the pyramids.

10 + Monuments, a type of art filled with sorrow and honor. Depict the sorrows of war as well as honor the history behind brave men and women fighting for our freedom.

11 + Modern Art: What Shows about our Society Today. Art is unhindered in the 21 st Century, we can create with endless media. Art is now a huge product of communication.

12 + Design Design allows artist a wide range of abilities Photography edits Advertising Interior Design Design can bring both old and new into arts into the picture.

13 + Main Stream: the art we see everyday Tattoos Fashion of any style Advertising Billboards

14 + Art Has Power Advertising is one of the most powerful of the arts. It presses on lookers to take part in the product and it sticks ideas deep in the mind.

15 + Art has the power to hinder. Even commercials can be an art.

16 + Modern Art, speaks volumes about a cities culture and artistic views.

17 + How To GraffittiTo Check out these cool websites that teach you the art of Graffitti Something we will be trying in class a little later on.

18 + Try New Things: Taste the Past In class we will be trying out: Basket Weaving Sun Drying Pots Mosaics Digital Design Graffiti

19 + Becoming an Artist, You Have a Responsibility Whether you write, design, paint, sculpt or create your own style of creativity. Be sure to always have a greater purpose. To illuminate our present culture, display our history and to create master pieces that could change the world.

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