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COLOR ALERT A Carbon Monoxide detecting paint Nicole Yu.

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Presentation on theme: "COLOR ALERT A Carbon Monoxide detecting paint Nicole Yu."— Presentation transcript:

1 COLOR ALERT A Carbon Monoxide detecting paint Nicole Yu

2 CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING  leading cause of poisoning death  odorless, tasteless, colorless = extremely hard to detect  high concentration are fatal within minutes  impair the blood’s ability to transport oxygen  suffocation


4 CURRENT TECHNOLOGY  carbon monoxide detectors are somewhat effective  must be installed at certain locations in order to remain accurate  cannot be exposed to sunlight, humidity, and other conditions  false positives

5 COLOR ALERT  Requires:  E. Coli bacteria  amplifier gate  cutM-cutS-cutL gene  cutM-cutS-cutL gfp reporter gene  ampicillin resistance gene  KODE technology paint

6 Plasmid inserted into bacteria Ampicillin resistance gene carbon monoxide activator for amplifier gate cutM- cutS-cutL gene cutM- cutS-cutL gfp =reporter gene

7 HOW IT WORKS  plasmid inserted into E. Coli bacteria  grown on Agar plates with ampicillin and Luria broth  eliminate any bacteria that has not taken in the plasmid  CO will activate the amplifier gate which will activate the transcription factor  activate the open reading frame of cutM-cutS-cutL gene  produce carbon monoxide dehydrogenase = enzyme that catalyzes conversion from CO to CO 2  CO + H 2 O --> CO 2 + 2 H + + 2e (Carbon Cycle)  activation of cutM-cutS-cutL -- cutM-cutS-cutL gfp  GLOW GREEN!!

8 KODE TECHNOLOGY  contains amphipathic function-spacer-lipid constructs  hydrophilic functional head  hydrophilic spacer  lipid tail

9 KODE TECHNOLOGY CONT.  modify a surface through process known as koding  lipid tail acts like an anchor  spontaneously integrates into the phospholipid bilayer of the cell membrane  functional head is interchangeable depending on what function  something that can attach to material of the wall being painted  cells secured to the wall 


11 EXPECTED RESULTS Carbon Monoxide Carbon Monoxide Dehydrogenase Green Flouresence 0 00 1 11

12 WHY COLOR ALERT?  can detect both the presence and origin of CO  beneficial to those with hearing impairments who cannot hear the traditional smoke alarms  simple incorporation into house = more accuracy, less mistakes from misplacement or sensitivity

13 FLAWS & RISKS OF THIS DESIGN  uncertain how long bacteria can survive in such environment  system may become extremely impractical if bacteria does not have a prolonged life span  how effective FSL constructs are over multiple generation  cannot be seen when asleep  in laboratory, precautions must be taken to prevent bacteria from escaping  if bacteria gets into environment, could evolve and horizontal gene transfer could occur with other bacteria

14 TESTING & POTENTIAL  ensure the efficacy of the device  indicate possible changes that could be implemented to improve the system  if effective, design could be applied to other areas such as cars or mines  could also lead to the development of organisms to replace other alarm systems

15 SOURCES  Anand, Ashima, T. Satyanarayana, and & Satyanarayana: Applicability Of Co Dehydrogenase. "Applicability of Carboxydotrophic Bacterial Carbon Monoxide Dehydrogenase(CODH) in Carbon Sequestration and Bioenergy Generation." Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research (2012): 381-84. NISCAIR Online Periodicals Repository. 16 Apr. 2012niscair online periodicals repository. Web. 29 July 2015..  "Biosurface Innovation Has Never Been Easier." KODE Biotech. KODE Biotech, 2012. Web. 29 July 2015..  "CO Dehydrogenase/Acetyl-CoA Synthase (CODH/ACS)." Chemwiki. UC Davis ChemWiki, n.d. Web. 29 July 2015..  "Function-spacer-lipid Construct." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 1 Jan. 2015. Web. 29 July 2015..  Kang, Beom S., and Young M. Kim. "Cloning and Molecular Characterization of the Genes for Carbon Monoxide Dehydrogenase and Localization of Molybdopterin, Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide, and Iron-Sulfur Centers in the Enzyme of Hydrogenophaga Pseudoflava." Journal of Bacteriology. American Society for Microbiology, Sept. 1999. Web. 29 July 2015..  "" N.p., n.d. Web. 29 July 2015..  K.R. Tremblay, Jr. "Preventing Carbon Monoxide Problems." Preventing Carbon Monoxide Problems. Colorado State University, 3 Mar. 2015. Web. 29 July 2015..  "MSHA - Carbon Monoxide." United States Department of Labor. U.S Department of Labor, n.d. Web. 29 July 2015..

16 IMAGE LINKS   graphics/nonfirecarbonmonoxide.jpg?as=1&iar=1&la=en graphics/nonfirecarbonmonoxide.jpg?as=1&iar=1&la=en   e6b0f063e76062e5.jpg e6b0f063e76062e5.jpg  nflower_to_space_filling_models_of_selected_FSL_constructs.png/300px- Structural_analogy_of_a_sunflower_to_space_filling_models_of_selected_FSL_construct s.png nflower_to_space_filling_models_of_selected_FSL_constructs.png/300px- Structural_analogy_of_a_sunflower_to_space_filling_models_of_selected_FSL_construct s.png  00px-Koded_biomembrane.svg.png 00px-Koded_biomembrane.svg.png  svc/ImageService/Articleimage/2011/MT/c1mt00042j/c1mt00042j-f4.gif svc/ImageService/Articleimage/2011/MT/c1mt00042j/c1mt00042j-f4.gif


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