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March 31 st, 2011. Reasoning / Judgment / Motivation Ability to: control impulses and postpone gratification plan ahead / foresee consequences inhibit.

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Presentation on theme: "March 31 st, 2011. Reasoning / Judgment / Motivation Ability to: control impulses and postpone gratification plan ahead / foresee consequences inhibit."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 31 st, 2011



4 Reasoning / Judgment / Motivation Ability to: control impulses and postpone gratification plan ahead / foresee consequences inhibit / regulate emotions evaluate behavior (one’s own or others’) understand others’ positions make wise choices (evaluating risk vs. reward) handle social pressures

5 Difficulty foreseeing consequences Difficulty planning or setting priorities (making wise choices) Difficulty postponing gratification / controlling impulses High pleasure / reward / novelty seeking High risk-taking behavior Exaggerated black and white thinking (safe vs. unsafe) Heightened emotional reactions, fantasy life Difficulty handling social pressures


7 RiskEstimateActual Die from any cause (crime, illness, accident, etc.) in the next year? 18.6%0.08% Die from any cause (crime, illness, accident, etc.) by age 20? 20.3%0.4% Fischhoff, B., Assessing adolescent decision-making competence, Developmental Review, #28, 2008


9 Probability X Consequence

10 X Payoff

11 Probability X Consequence X Payoff X “Heat of the moment”


13  Heightened emotion  Anger  Jealousy  Fear  Sexual arousal  Intoxication  Peer “pressure”  Impulsivity – immediate gratification

14 Peer acceptance Inclusion/Attention / Status / Confidence (social) Coping strategy To alter feelings / experiences Experimentation / curiosity / rebellion

15  Alcohol  Marijuana  Prescription medication  Pain medications: OxyContin , Vicodin , Percodan   Benzodiazepines: Xanax , Valium   Sleep medications: Ambien , Lunesta   ADHD medications: Ritalin , Adderall   Heroin  Cocaine  OTC cold medication (“triple C’s”)  Inhalants  Club drugs (particularly Ecstasy)  New fads (Four Loko, bath salts)

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