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Project Management for Creating Rich, Interactive Online Courses Kaye Shelton Dallas Baptist University.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Management for Creating Rich, Interactive Online Courses Kaye Shelton Dallas Baptist University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Management for Creating Rich, Interactive Online Courses Kaye Shelton Dallas Baptist University

2 DBU Online Snapshot Began 1998, 1 class=11students Today –Twenty programs fully online –1,300 students=27% University Enrollment –2 Course of the Year awards Blackboard 2005 ELearning 2006 –92% Student Completion Rate

3 New Faculty Roles = Change Learner-Centered System (Beaudoin, 1990) Facilitating Learning (Beaudoin, 1990) New Skills Are Necessary (Beaudoin, 1990) Learners ’ Needs Are Changing

4 Faculty Support is Necessary! No Longer Optional (Dooley & Magill, 2002) Imperative to Program Success (Willis, 1994; Miller & King, 2003) Faculty are Intimidated by New Technology (Parisot, 1997) Moves Distance Education Mainstream (Shelton & Saltsman, 2005)

5 Instructional Support Affects: Faculty Motivation (Bower, 2001; Lee, 2001) Commitment (Lee, 2001) Satisfaction (Lee, 2001) Buy-In/Participation (Bates, 2000)

6 “Presidents may dream visions and vice presidents may design plans, and deans and department heads may try to implement them, but without the support of the faculty members, nothing will change.” (Bates, 2000)

7 Strategies for Buy-In / Participation –Demonstrate the Strengths And Merits of Asynchronous –Openly Discuss the Negatives –Emphasize Possibility of New Students in New Areas –Emphasize Increased Interaction And the Socratic Method –Establish Clear Policies Including Compensation

8 Effective DBU Support Strategies Institutional Prioritization Project Management Approach –Course Approval Process –6 Month Development Time –Worksheets For Course PlanningWorksheets For Course Planning –Online and Campus Training Sessions –Centralized Support For Content Creation –Quality Assurance - Proofing Process

9 “Distance education was not just adding technology to teaching, but more about arranging or rearranging the educational resources available.” (Moore, 1993)

10 Ways to Support Faculty In Course Development Express Concern for Course Quality (Betts, 1998; Schifter, 2000; O ’ Quinn and Corry, 2002; Jones & Moller, 2002; Dooley & Murphrey, 2000) Instructional Design Assistance Media Creation Assistance CMS Assistance Policy (Creation and Modification)

11 Instructional Design Support Templates Campus Photos Copyedit Support Pagination Provide Examples/Links To Other Courses Model Course Provide Books and Materials




15 Instructional Design Support Templates Campus Photos Copyedit Support Pagination Provide Examples/Links To Other Courses Model Course Provide Books and Materials

16 Instructional Design Support Templates Campus Photos Copyedit Support Pagination Provide Examples/Links To Other Courses Model Course Provide Books and Materials

17 Welcome video











28 Link


30 Media Creation Support Recording Studio Video Editing Multimedia –Talking PowerPoint –Flash Objects Web Page Creation Graphics Editing CD ROM/DVD Creation Learning Object Authoring Testing and Assessment Learning Object Repositories




34 CMS Assistance CMS Training –Handouts –Tutorials –Newsletters Quiz and Exam Creation –Respondus and Questionmark Student Bb Orientation Course

35 Technology Assistance Support for hardware and software is inadequate (Berge, 1998; O’Quinn & Corry, 2002; Bonk, 2001; Dooley & Murphrey, 2000) Lack of technical support was the most identified barrier in 10 of 13 studies (Maguire, 2005) Need for technology assistance was the single most represented item in the 13 studies (Maguire, 2005)

36 Technology Tools Camera Video Still Electronic Whiteboard Scanner Loaner Laptops Free Virus Scan Software

37 Non-Technology Support Course Evaluations Textbook Acquisitions Student Mailings Library Reserve Support Student Research Assistance

38 Faculty Support Assessment Are faculty satisfied with online teaching methods? Are faculty satisfied with the frequency and quality of training? Did they feel adequately prepared to teach online?

39 Faculty Support Assessment Are the faculty satisfied with support services such as the helpdesk? Was the available technology effective and appropriate for the course? What were the instructors’ overall experiences in online education?

40 Thank You! Kaye Shelton Director, Online Education

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