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How to Lead Without Saying a Word

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1 How to Lead Without Saying a Word

2 Introduction Leaders can sometimes communicate more without words than with them. What matters is poise and conviction.

3 Important A leader doesn’t always need to use words to convey meaning; non-verbal cues often say more than words can ever do. Unfortunately, too often non-verbal cues are displayed to the wrong effect, that is, to display distraction, disregard or even distaste.

4 Leader – Be Careful Those in charge, especially those in very senior positions, must be careful not only with their words but with their body language.

5 Relax your Facial Muscles
It is important to share a calm body language when talking to people. When we do so, we seem more approachable, and as we are able to connect better with our subordinates and colleagues. We can practice relaxing our facial muscles by looking in a mirror.

6 Invite Inspection Ask a trusted colleague to watch your facial expressions and your posture during a meeting, particularly a meeting where there will be intense discussions. If you look bored or irritated, or if you are slumped in your seat looking out the window, you are sending a message that you would rather be elsewhere.

7 Invite Inspection If your face bears a severe expression, you may be radiating irritation. Be conscious that people are not only listening to what you say, but how you carry yourself when you say it.

8 Keep your Powder Dry In some cultures, notably Native American and Scandinavian, the person at the top says very little, often speaking last on important issues. Business leaders can also encourage subordinates to speak first and freely; only interject when you have something of real substance to add.

9 Keep your Powder Dry When the fur is flying, what gets people's attention is quiet confidence. Don't raise your voice. Instead, once you have people's attention, speak calmly and with conviction. Nothing radiates power like controlled emotions when everyone else is shouting at each other.

10 Leaders Facial Expressions
Leaders need not walk around with facial expressions that appear "botoxed.“ If real issues are at stake, it is wholly appropriate to show some emotion, and not simply with words.

11 Leaders Facial Expressions
A leader is entitled to communicate with authority and vigor, and make it known the urgency of a moment. Such emotion expended for a good cause is a great way to focus attention on important matters at hand.

12 Conclusion We should be aware how to behave in front of our subordinates and colleagues since our body language can help or jeopardize our instructions. Learning to understand signals from our body language and voice is a good way to improve our communication and leadership skills.

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