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Transitioning to a New Green Agenda Cynthia Vallina EOP/OMB/OFPP Cory Claussen Professional Staff Member, Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and.

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Presentation on theme: "Transitioning to a New Green Agenda Cynthia Vallina EOP/OMB/OFPP Cory Claussen Professional Staff Member, Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transitioning to a New Green Agenda Cynthia Vallina EOP/OMB/OFPP Cory Claussen Professional Staff Member, Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Robin Heard Deputy Assistant Secretary for Administration, USDA 2009 GSA International Products and Services Expo

2 Transitioning to a New Green Agenda Cynthia Vallina EOP/OMB/OFPP

3 Obama Administration Priorities Recovery Act Infrastructure Investments Greening the Government --- Green Procurement --- Reduce Environmental Impact Continuation of OMB Scorecards Results and Transparency

4 Recovery Act Guidance 2.8 “Federal Infrastructure Investments: a description of agency plans to spend funds effectively to comply with energy efficiency and green building requirements and to demonstrate Federal leadership in sustainability, energy efficiency and reducing the agency’s environmental impact.” 2.9 What is Required in program-specific plans for Federal Infrastructure Investments?

5 Recovery Act Funding > $24 billion provided for infrastructure (Construction, R and A, O and M backlog) At least $11.8 billion tagged specifically for greening and/or energy efficiency 15 agencies received funds from $25 million to $10.4 billion Others will need to utilize ESPC/UESC to meet federal sustainability requirements

6 OMB Recovery Guidance How will agencies comply with green building requirements? Energy Efficiency Sustainable Design & Construction (GP) Energy Efficient Capital Equipment Metering Solar Hot Water Technical Assistance Opportunities Maximize investments and leverage Performance with ESPC/UESCs Report!

7 Sustainable Guiding Principles Employ Integrated Design Principles Optimize Energy Performance Protect and Conserve Water ↓20% indoor ↓50% outdoor Enhance Indoor Environmental Quality Reduce Impact of Materials Apply to new, existing and leased space

8 Green Procurement Materials Impact Recycled Content (RCRA) Energy Star/Efficient (EPACT 2005) Biobased (FSRIA) Alternative Fuels (EPACT 1992 and 2005) Non-Ozone Depleting Substances (CAA) Environmental Preferable (EO13423) Priority Chemicals (EO13423) Water Efficient/Water Sense Renewable Energy from new sources (>1999)

9 Federal Goals Reduce energy 3% annually/30% by 2015 Reduce water 2% annually/16% by 2015 Use renewables 3-5-7.5%/half new Achieve 15% sustainable buildings by 2015 Acquire Green Products and Services > 80% Green and < 5% Red on facility EMS report card metrics

10 OMB Scorecard Measures Green Procurement: Has a comprehensive, written affirmative procurement program that includes all green products and services covered in EO 13423, demonstrates compliance annually, develops corrective action plans to address shortcomings and conducts training. Green Buildings: Demonstrates comprehensive implementation of sustainable guiding principles for new, existing and leased buildings; consistent with EO and statutory requirements. Agencies must demonstrate that they are on tract to meet 15% in 2015 goal.

11 Transparency & Results Transparency & Accountability Beyond ARRA (Recovery) Tracking Web-based reporting Reporting to Congress Posting results Individual Agency Scorecards?

12 On the Horizon Exceeding the Goals New Executive Order New Statutes Updates to Scorecards Quarterly White House Meetings Annual Reporting

13 Contact Information Questions? Comments? Your input is welcome Cynthia Vallina OMB-EOP 725 17 th Street, NW Washington, DC 20503 202-395-4544

14 Transitioning to a New Green Agenda Cory Claussen Professional Staff Member Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry

15 Transitioning to a New Green Agenda: Congressional Who’s Who Time for Change Programs of Interest Current Issues Challenges to Reform

16 Calls for Change – Why Now? Why Now? Congress responds to pressure from the ground up… Oil Prices and Volatile Markets Global Warming Geopolitical Concerns Job Creation Change in Leadership Desire to Lead Unintended Consequences of Inaction Public Consciousness and Interest Group Effectiveness Global Pressures

17 Congressional Who’s Who Committees of Importance Senate CommitteeChair Environment and Public WorksSen. Barbara Boxer (CA) Energy and Natural ResourcesSen. Jeff Bingaman (NM) Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Sen. Tom Harkin (IA) AppropriationsSen. Daniel Inouye (HI) House CommitteeChair AgricultureRep. Collin Peterson (MN) Energy and CommerceRep. Henry Waxman (CA) Natural ResourcesRep. Nick Rahall (WV) Ways and MeansRep. Charlie Rangel (NY)

18 Programs of Interest Executive Order 13423 VEHICLES: Increase purchase of alternative fuel, hybrid, and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles when commercially available. PETROLEUM CONSERVATION: Reduce petroleum consumption in fleet vehicles by 2% annually through 2015. ALTERNATIVE FUEL USE: Increase alternative fuel consumption at least10% annually. ENERGY EFFICIENCY: Reduce energy intensity by 3 % annually through2015 or by 30% by 2015. GREENHOUSE GASES: By reducing energy intensity by 3% annually or 30%by 2015, reduce greenhouse gas emissions. WATER CONSERVATION: Reduce water consumption intensity by 2% annually through 2015. PROCUREMENT: Expand purchases of environmentally-sound goods and services, including biobased products.

19 Programs of Interest, (cont.) Executive Order 13423 ELECTRONICS MANAGEMENT: Annually, 95% of electronic products purchased must meet Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool standards where applicable; enable Energy Star® features on 100% of computers and monitors; and reuse, donate, sell, or recycle 100% of electronic products using environmentally sound management practices. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS: Implement EMS at all appropriate organizational levels to ensure use of EMS as the primary management approach for addressing environmental aspects of internal agency operations and activities. RENEWABLE POWER: At least 50% of current renewable energy purchases must come from new renewable sources (in service after January 1, 1999). POLLUTION PREVENTION: Reduce use of chemicals and toxic materials and purchase lower risk chemicals and toxic materials from top priority list. BUILDING PERFORMANCE: Construct or renovate buildings in accordance with sustainability strategies, including resource conservation, reduction, and use; sitting; and indoor environmental quality.

20 Programs of Interest USDA BioPreferred Program – Marketing and Procurement –History of Program –Opportunities –Strengths –Challenges and Threats Consumer Awareness Procurement Challenges Measurement Funding

21 Programs of Interest RFS -Renewable Fuel Standard (EPA)

22 Programs of Interest Ethanol Excise Tax Credit (IRS) Small Ethanol Producer Credit (IRS) Biodiesel Tax Credit (IRS) Small Agri-Biodiesel Producer Credit (IRS) Renewable Diesel Tax Credit (IRS) Cellulosic Biofuel Production Tax Credit (IRS) Depreciation Allowance for Cellulosic Biofuel Plant Property (IRS)

23 Programs of Interest Bioenergy Program (USDA) Renewable Energy System and Energy Efficiency (USDA) Value-Added Producer Grants Program (VAPG) (USDA) Biorefinery Development Grants (USDA) Business and Industry (B&I) Guaranteed Loans Rural Business Enterprise Grants (RBEG)

24 Programs of Interest Biorefinery Assistance Repowering Assistance Bioenergy Program for Advanced Biofuels Feedstock Flexibility for Producers of Biofuels (Sugar) Biomass Crop Assistance Program (BCAP)

25 Programs of Interest Biomass Research and Development Initiative (DOE) Biorefinery Project Grants (DOE) Loan Guarantees for Ethanol from Alt Feedstocks (DOE) DOE Loan Guarantee (DOE) Cellulosic Biofuels Production Incentive (DOE)

26 Programs of Interest Import Duty for Fuel Ethanol (Customs)

27 Current Issues Biofuels Interagency Working Group Indirect Land Use & Renewable Fuel Std Rulemaking (RFS-2) CAFE Standards Climate Change Legislation & Cap and Trade Renewable Energy Standards Technology – Opportunities and Challenges Efficiency Standards Other Issues on the Legislative Agenda (Health Care, Regulatory Reform, Economic Recovery)

28 Challenges to Reform Funding –Appropriations Process –Budgets Buy-In –Public –Implementing Agencies Complexity Rule Making Science Controversies

29 Leading: Greening Congress Greening of the Capitol Program Description Successes Challenges

30 Transitioning to a New Green Agenda: USDA Walking the Walk Robin Heard Deputy Assistant Secretary for Administration, USDA

31 USDA Green Agenda A key part of USDA's approach to the new Administration's green agenda is to lead by example …"to walk the walk" We're leading by example in –Employing sustainable landscaping around our headquarters building –Making our food services more sustainable –Green building design, construction, and renovation –Increasing use of biobased products 31

32 Concept to Reality 32

33 Sustainable Landscape 33

34 Stage 1 - Clearing 34

35 Stage 2 - Seed Planting 35

36 Planting Continues… 36

37 Gardens as Carbon Sinks 37

38 Landscape Practices 38

39 Sustainable Foodservice 39

40 Foodservice Products 40

41 Foodservice Facilities 41

42 Facility Renovations 42

43 Furniture and Furnishings 43

44 Facility Cleaning 44

45 Administration and Agency Commitment 45

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